
Our garden in the lands of Neyrben was watered,

بستاننا في أراضي النيربين سقى

1. Our garden in the lands of Neyrben was watered,
Its meadows were rained on from a flowing spring.

١. بستانَنا في أراضي النيربينِ سقى
رياضَك الغيثُ منهلّاً ومندفقا

2. O Saad, our days in it when the fragrances
Of flowers diffused ambergris and musk.

٢. يا سعد أيامنا فيه وقد عبقت
روائح الزهر تحكي العنبر العبقا

3. The time was serene with no trouble in its calm,
My heart attained the station of proximity.

٣. والوقت صاف وما في صفوه كدرٌ
ونال قلبي مقام القرب مستبقا

4. The manifestations of existence appeared
In its light, falsehood with truth had vanished.

٤. هي الشخوص تقادير الوجود بدت
في نوره باطل بالحق قد زهقا

5. And we in it, in the intimacy of nearness, we have
No desolation, like a lover and the one loved.

٥. ونحن فيه بأنس القرب ليس لنا
من وحشة مثل معشوق ومن عشقا

6. Our spiritual ascent in it was by steps
Of divine revelation, Exalted is He who granted.

٦. قامت معارجنا فيه على درج
من التجلي الإلهي جل من رزقا

7. The face shines from behind events, bestowing
The overflowing knowledge in which is the secret of eternity.

٧. والوجه يشرق من خلف الحوادث لي
بفيض علم مبين فيه سرُّ بقا

8. God is Greatest! All this is but an effect
Of predestination, in it existence is thin.

٨. الله أكبر هذا كله أثر
مقدرٌ عدمٌ فيه الوجود رقا

9. The existence of Truth, when its universes fade
In the face of Truth, left no trace for them.

٩. وجود حق إذا أكوانه رمقت
في وجهه الحق لم يترك لها رمقا

10. And if it appears, hidden in His light, and when
It appears, in it He is hidden, not reached by the horizon.

١٠. وإن بدا خفيت في نوره وإذا
بدت ففيها اختفى لا تدرك الشفقا

11. The universes cannot attend with
His attendance, as they are opposites, not agreeing.

١١. لا تستطيع له الأكوان تحضر مع
حضوره إذ هما ضدان ما اتفقا

12. Had He not revealed Himself through deeds, our minds
Would not have conceived Him as the Truth that originated.

١٢. لولا تجليه بالأفعال ما عقلت
عقولنا أنه الحق الذي خلقا

13. But we see Him with our eyes,
Behind His predestined nonexistence when encountered.

١٣. لكننا نتراآه بأعيننا
من خلف تقديره المعدوم وقت لقا

14. How many communities before us
Used to witness Him without knowing, beyond their bondage.

١٤. كم أمة قبلنا كانت تشاهده
من غير علم به عن قيدها انطلقا

15. Had they through annihilation of their universes known,
They would have seen His uncovered face shining.

١٥. لو أنهم بفنا أكوانهم علموا
لعاينوا وجهها المكشوف قد برقا

16. But it made them oblivious of His beauty,
So they saw His ephemeral veil that vanished.

١٦. لكنها أغفلتهم عن محاسنها
فابصروا سترها الفاني الذي انمحقا

17. And they remained as they were,
Until His predestination, the preceded, was completed.

١٧. ولم يزالوا على ما هم عليه إلى
أن تم تقديره ذاك الذي سبقا