
When hearts are devoid of Him, souls

قلوب متى منه خلت فنفوس

1. When hearts are devoid of Him, souls
Are spellbound by the accursed whisperer.

١. قلوب متى منه خلت فنفوسُ
لأحرف وسواس اللعين طروسُ

2. And if filled with His light and remembrance,
They become shining suns in their cycles.

٢. وإن مُلئت منه ومن نور ذكره
فتلك بدورٌ أشرقت وشموس

3. We saw Him as a beloved, beautiful, fluttering
Lover of all kinds of beauty's discourse.

٣. رأيناه محبوباً مليحاً مهفهفاً
لأنواع خُطّاب الجمال عروس

4. And if the fire of life appears on His cheek,
His worshippers prostrate before Him like Magi.

٤. وإن ظهرت نار الحيا فوق خده
له سجدت من عاشقيه مجوس

5. If Gabriel blows in His Messiah's soul,
Monks and priests are awed by Him.

٥. وجبريل إن ينفخ بروح مسيحه
تبدت رهابين به وقسوس

6. We imagined His beauty like the rising moon
With in His hand cups He passes around.

٦. وهمنا به حسناً كما البدر طلعة
وفي يده مما يدير كؤوس

7. He has a bow that shoots arrows at us when twanged,
And lovers have no shields.

٧. له مقلة ترمي علينا إذا رنت
سهاماً وما للعاشقين تروس

8. One day we stood by Him, by night we slept near Him,
A candle that contained men and cloth.

٨. وقمنا به يوماً ونمنا به دجىً
وشامٌ حوت منه الرجالَ وطوس

9. We sold Him as coins; He is what
We buy and sell, and He is dirhams.

٩. وبعنا به وهو الدراهم وهو ما
نبيع وما نشريه وهو فلوس

10. Water we drank, meat and bread
We ate, and by that meals were served.

١٠. وماءً شربناه ولحماً وخبزةً
أكلناه واندارت بذاك ضروس

11. Many clothes we wore as adornment,
Houses we inhabited and walked in.

١١. ويا طالما ثوباً لبسناه زينة
وداراً سكناه وفيه ندوس

12. We preserved Him as worms in drink and food,
And bequeathed Him as lice in clothes and wood.

١٢. وعفناه دوداً في شراب ومأكل
ونفليه قمل في الثياب وسوس

13. Enemies hate Him and friends
Love Him, whether laughing or frowning,

١٣. وتبغضه أعداؤنا وتحبه
أخلاؤنا إذ ضاحك وعبوس

14. Fearing Him awfully, we hope
For Him, heads raised to the hopes.

١٤. وتحذره أمراً مهولاً ونرتجي
له أملاً تسمو إليه رؤوس