
The servant of God serves the Mighty at his door

خادم الله يخدم العز بابه

1. The servant of God serves the Mighty at his door
And the exalted long to touch his feet

١. خادم الله يخدم العزُّ بابَهْ
وتود العلى تمس ركابَهْ

2. And he has the pleasure of God as a shawl
And he has glory and awe

٢. وله من رضى الإله وشاحٌ
وعليه شهامة ومهابه

3. Happy is the one who is included
In his glance or addressed in his words

٣. والسعيد السعيد من شملته
نظرة منه أو حباه خطابه

4. You are blessed if one day you see him
Pleased with you, drawn his veil

٤. لك طوبى إن كنت يوما تراه
راضياً عنك قد أحاط حجابه

5. And if he is angry, say quickly
God is angry, so they resemble each other

٥. وإذا كان ساخطاً قل سريعاً
إنما الله ساخطٌ فتشابه