
The full moon rose

بدا بدر الدياجي

1. The full moon rose
And with its light, all was effaced

١. بدا بدر الدياجي
فأفنى الكل نوره

2. Yet my appearance was not concealed
Except by its appearance

٢. ولم يكتم ظهوري
به إلا ظهوره

3. We were not two beings
Though one seemed proud

٣. وما باثنين كنا
ولكن ذا غروره

4. The existence of the One
Is not bent by dangers

٤. وجود واحد لا
يثنّيه خطوره

5. To Him belongs an ancient command
By which events come into being

٥. له أمر قديم
به تبدو الحوادث

6. That command, from Him
We never dispute

٦. وذاك الأمر عنه
به أبدا نباحث

7. So examine your own soul
There you find His manifestations

٧. فحقق منك نفساً
تجد فيها صدوره

8. The existence of the One
Is not bent by dangers

٨. وجود واحد لا
يثنّيه خطوره

9. We saw the face of Salma
So all else perished

٩. رأينا وجه سلمى
فصار الكل فاني

10. And by it we were confused
By voices of longing

١٠. وفيها حيَّرتنا
بأصوات المثاني

11. And openly it dawned
Upon whom its passing was sweet

١١. وقد لاحت جهاراً
لمن يحلو مروره

12. The existence of the One
Is not bent by dangers

١٢. وجود واحد لا
يثنيه خطوره

13. You spoke truly, my friends
All the people went astray

١٣. صدقتم يا رفاقي
جميع الناس تاهوا

14. And this face shines clearly
Where is there doubt?

١٤. وهذا الوجه يجلى
فأين الإشتباه

15. But whoever suffers
My words, mere sound's breath

١٥. ولكن من يعاني
كلامي نفخ صوره

16. The existence of the One
Is not bent by dangers

١٦. وجود واحد لا
يثنيه خطوره

17. Prayer of God, my Lord
Upon Taha, the Glorious

١٧. صلاة الله ربي
على طه الممجد

18. And by grace to us
All realms of life, supporter

١٨. ومن بالفضل فينا
مدى الدنيا مؤيد

19. By it, servant enriched
Indeed, aversion has passed

١٩. به عبد الغني
لقد ولى نفوره

20. The existence of the One
Is not bent by dangers

٢٠. وجود واحد لا
يثنيه خطوره