
The letters are signs of the ink, so

إن الحروف إشارات المداد فلا

1. The letters are signs of the ink, so
There is no letter except the essence of the ink, prolonged

١. إن الحروف إشارات المداد فلا
حرف هناك سوى ذات المداد طلا

2. Prolonging the letters which became colored
And its color became fanciful and did not move

٢. طلا الحروف اللواتي صار صبغتها
وهماً وصبغته صارت وما انتقلا

3. Their inner meanings were in the unseen of the ink as
Their outer forms were by His decree to

٣. بطونها كان في غيب المداد كما
ظهورها كان بالتقدير منه إلى

4. And they are decrees from Him and affairs for Him
And there is nothing other than Him so understand the examples

٤. وهي التقادير منه والشئون له
وليس ثمَّ سواه فافهم المثلا

5. And they are nothing but Him, do not say they are He
Or that He is also they, confused

٥. وإنهن سواه لا تقل هي هو
تخطى ولا هو أيضاً هنَّ مختبلا

6. For He was before the letters and there is no
Letter, and no letter remains, and no

٦. فإنه كان من قبل الحروف ولا
حرف ويبقى ولا حرف هناك ولا

7. And every letter perishes before the eye except
The essence of the ink in its meaning made

٧. وهالك كل حرف في العيان سوى
وجه المداد بمعنى ذاته جعلا

8. So the letters have outer forms and they are hidden
And that is the outer showing of the ink uncovered

٨. فللحروف ظهور وهي خافية
وذاك عين ظهور للمداد حلا

9. And the letter did not add anything to the ink and did not
Diminish it anything but detailed the sentences

٩. والحرف ما زاد شيئاً في المداد ولم
ينقصه شيئاً ولكن فصّل الجملا

10. And the letters did not change the ink, does
The ink have existence with the letters? No!

١٠. وما تغير الحروف المداد وهل
مع المداد وجود للحروف ألا

11. No! So realize my words, what existence is here
Except the existence of an ink for one who reasons?

١١. ألا فحقق مقالي ما الوجود هنا
سوى وجود مدادٍ عند من عقلا

12. And wherever there was a letter, its
Ink was always with it so understand the examples

١٢. وأينما كان حرف لم يزل معه
مداده فاعقل الأمثال ممتثلا

13. And we did not give examples of Him for Him
But He is the One who gave examples

١٣. ونحن لم نضرب الأمثال فيه له
وإنما هو للأمثال قد بذلا

14. And we are His examples which were given to us
In His creation, we understood them and there is no dispute

١٤. ونحن أمثاله اللاتي ضربن لنا
في خلقه قد فهمناها ولا جدلا

15. So be insightful into the matter of the Most High Knower
For Him is the ink and types of letters majestic

١٥. فكن بصيراً بأمر جلَّ عارفه
له المداد وأنواع الحروف جلا

16. And know that the ink of the letter is its doer
Encompassing it, in it, above it and no

١٦. واعلم بأن مداد الحرف فاعله
به محيط له فيه عليه ولا

17. And the judgment is nothing but the judgment of letters and what
Existence do they have? Realize the rank of nobility

١٧. والحكم ليس سوى حكم الحروف وما
لها وجود فحقق رتبة النبلا

18. The true existence is the essence of our Creator
And He is the One Almighty in His Sultanate and High

١٨. إن الوجود الحقيقيْ ذات خالقنا
وهو الذي عز في سلطانه وعلا

19. And He is the Ink that extends everything
With His essence so He is in all of them perfect

١٩. وهو المداد يمد الكل أجمعهم
بذاته فهو فيهم كلهم كملا

20. And His essence in its rapture cannot be described when
There is nothing but it and no other obtained in it

٢٠. وذاته في سوها لا تحل إذا
إذ لا سواها ولا فيها السوى حصلا

21. And all of it are named His affairs for Him
All of them so He is in them exactly as conveyed

٢١. وإنما الكل سماها الشئون له
جميعها فهو فيها طبق ما نقلا

22. And all are from Him signs that He indicates
And what is the indication but an act from One who acted?

٢٢. والكل منه إشارات يشير بها
وما الإشارة إلا فعل من فعلا

23. We are the book because we are letters written
With it about Himself, we were engraved and recited

٢٣. نحن الكتاب لأنا أحرفٌ كتبت
به على نفسه قد خَطَّنا وتلا

24. And the True Author erases us and affirms us
However He wills so we do not seek any substitute from Him

٢٤. والكاتب الحق يمحونا ويثبتنا
كما يشاء فلا نبغي به بدلا

25. And the Spirit is the throne of manifestation with attributes appeared
And the Essence from us then the eight of His throne carried

٢٥. والروح عرش التجلي بالصفات بدت
والذات منا ثمان عرشه حملا

26. And the Soul is His throne, the seven layers contained
Prohibitions of protection, so the imagination that accepted

٢٦. والنفس كرسيه السبع الطباق حوى
مناهيَ الحفظ فالوهم الذي قبلا

27. Then thought, then reason as well, then imagination appeared
Then nature, then senses, then things occupied

٢٧. فالفكر فالعقل أيضاً فالخيال بدا
فالطبع فالحس فالأشياء قد شغلا

28. And the body, it is the seven lands appeared
Skin, then tissue, then cartilage it contained

٢٨. والجسم فيها الأراضي سبعة ظهرت
جلدٌ فعِرْقٌ فغضروفٌ به اشتملا

29. Then bone, then membrane, then the heart inside
Then the pericardium in love of the heart aligned

٢٩. فالعظمُ ثم الغشا فالقلبُ داخله
ثم الشغاف بحب القلب قد عدلا

30. Until the elements in them, four are known
Yellow bile, blood, phlegm, black bile for example

٣٠. حتى العناصر فيها أربعٌ عرفت
صفرا دمٌ بلغمٌ سوداءُ قل مثلا

31. Then the derivatives in them, four: nails
Hair, lice, and human semen followed

٣١. ثم المواليد فيها أربعٌ ظُفُرٌ
شَعرٌ وقملٌ وإنسانُ المنيِّ تلا

32. And each one of what I mentioned has
A connection to its origin always unseparated

٣٢. وكل واحدة مما ذكرتُ لها
بالأصل منها اتصال قط ما انفصلا

33. All ranks are the essence of existence appeared
Through them in one great shape acted

٣٣. مراتب كلها عين الوجود بدت
بها بشكلٍ كبيرٍ واحد عملا

34. Then required they appear numerous
In multiplicity briefly, female and male

٣٤. ثم اقتضت أنها تبدو معددة
في كثرةٍ باختصارٍ مَرْأَةً رجلا

35. And no multiplicity in them for its Knower
For it is a presence in which lodged complete

٣٥. ولا تعدد فيها عند عارفها
لأنها حضرة فيها لقد نزلا

36. I mean by it the unseen, unseen essence, and it is here
The pure existence, the existence of Truth transferred

٣٦. أعنى به الغيب غيب الذات وهو هنا
محض الوجود وجود الحق منتقلا

37. And they are its transfers in consideration of it
Turning in its affairs contained in them unknowing

٣٧. وهي انتقالاته بالإعتبار له
تقلب في شئون ضمنها جهلا

38. God is Greater than this and its likener
From sciences and from high and low

٣٨. الله أكبر عن هذا ومشبهه
من العلوم وعن عالٍ وما سفلا

39. But the words from us reveal its rank
For us in the rank of revealing truth wished

٣٩. ولكن القول منا كشف رتبته
لنا برتبة كشف حقق الأملا

40. Take from my words what appears to you with manners
And listen to my speech for I clarify the ways

٤٠. خذ ما بدا لك من قولي على أدب
واسمع كلامي فإني أوضح السبلا

41. And what is hidden from you then refrain your words about it
In secret and public and do not make in it errors

٤١. وما اختفى عنك فاكفف عنه قولك في
سر وجهر ولا تجعل به زللا

42. And leave it to the perfect elucidator who knows it
For he did not seek about his Lord replacement

٤٢. ودعه للكامل النحرير يعرفه
لأنه ما ابتغى عن ربه حولا

43. We are the souls which have the bodies valleys
And how many I dwelled from the hearts of mankind and mountains

٤٣. نحن النفوس لها الأجسام أودية
ومن قلوب الورى كم أسكنت جبلا

44. And how many trees moved from fullness
And who settled of those who were serious or frivolous

٤٤. وكم تنقلت الأشجار من ملأ
وما تعرش ممن جدَّ أو هزلا

45. O bees! The Lord inspired you so take
From the mountains homes and tread gentle roads

٤٥. يا نحلُ أَوحى إليك الرب فاتخذي
من الجبال بيوتاً واسلكي ذُلَلا

46. And everything the way of God created it
To Him among the people who walks it arrives

٤٦. وكل شيء سبيل الرب خلقته
إليه في الناس من يمشي به وصلا

47. Therein is the knowledge, God's knowledge comes out
From their essence, its colors differ, honey

٤٧. هنالك العلم علم الله يخرج من
بطونها اختلفت ألوانه عسلا

48. Their essences are God's presences when they are
His showing so He is wearing their robes

٤٨. بطونها حضرات الحق إذ هي قل
ظهوره فهو منها لابسٌ حللا

49. For they are His determinations and with them
He discloses creatures, angels and messengers

٤٩. لأنها هي تقديراته وبها
يبدي الخلائق والأملاك والرسلا

50. Ranks and affairs in Him all of them
Realized while whoever is not in Him so no

٥٠. مراتب وشئون فيه أجمعهم
محققون وأما ليس فيه فلا