
I have left all but piety,

ما تركت الكل إلا ورعا

1. I have left all but piety,
So God watered my time with piety.

١. ما تركت الكل إلا ورعا
فسقى الله زماني ورعى

2. The moon of the unseen rose on my horizon,
Appearing, though to my sect a stranger.

٢. قمر الغيب بدا في أفقي
يتجلى ولفرقي جمعا

3. My obligations were forbidden in it, as was
My practice, which to it was an innovation.

٣. وفروضي حُرِّمت فيه كذا
سنني صارت عليه بدعا

4. So if I am wrong, let me be an error,
A sin that was mine and happened.

٤. فإذا كنت فكوني خطأ
وهو ذنب كان مني وقعا

5. Where is one who understands my words and sees
What I see of the truth of canon law?

٥. أين من يفهم قولي ويرى
ما أرى من حق شرع شرعا

6. The cup was filled, though no cup was here,
And the fodder overflowed, though there was no fodder.

٦. وامتلا الكاس ولا كاس هنا
والوِعا فاض وما ثمَّ وعا

7. On idols the pagans were bent,
The nation of fancy, increasing in greed.

٧. والتماثيل عليها عكفت
أمة الوهم وزادت طمعا

8. O men of the unseen, my eyes have witnessed
Your absence like lightning when it flashes.

٨. يا رجال الغيب عيني شهدت
غيبكم كالبرق لما لمعا

9. The night whose stars were you is over,
And dawn has risen above it.

٩. وانقضى الليل الذي أنجُمُكُم
فيه والفجر عليه طلعا

10. Beyond this abode two Holy Places
My heart circumambulated and hastened to.

١٠. وورا هذا الورى كعبتا
طاف قلبي بحماها وسعى

11. It cast the pebbles of my soul at Mina,
Drawing near it with seven traits emulated.

١١. ورمى جمرة نفسي في منى
قربها سبع صفات تبعا

12. Leave no trace of me, O lightning,
The eye’s trace only increases the pain.

١٢. لا تدع يا برق مني أثراً
أثر العين يزيد الوجعا

13. Scatter, O wind of fever, the motes
From my sun-like face, for its caller has called.

١٣. وانفض العثير يا ريح الحمى
عن سنا الوجه فداعيه دعا

14. Motes of my departure have made me stumble.
What passion my heart felt, and passion!

١٤. عثير رحلي به قد عثرت
ولعا ما قال قلبي ولعا

15. I have a lover who from me is hidden,
Who appears not, nor do we appear together.

١٥. لي حبيب هو بي محتجب
وهو لا يبدو ولا أبد ومعا

16. Between declaring Him transcendent and likening Him,
Is a presence that bewilders the onlooker.

١٦. بين تنزيه وتشبيه له
حضرة حيرت المطَّلعا

17. Whenever I near Him, I am tempted
To draw closer, and He rises farther away.

١٧. كلما قربني همت به
أو تدانيت إليه ارتفعا