
The one who drank the pure wine succeeded,

فاز الذي شرب الشراب الصافي

1. The one who drank the pure wine succeeded,
Until he forgot all other attributes.

١. فاز الذي شرب الشراب الصافي
حتى انمحى عن سائر الأوصاف

2. The forms of his existence vanished, and there appeared to him,
The face of the Beloved, and it was the best fulfillment.

٢. فنيت رسوم وجوده وبدا له
وجه الحبيب فكان نعم الكافي

3. In the peak of the valley, a gazelle fleeing,
From the one who tries to describe the Incomparable.

٣. في ذروة الوادي غزال نافر
عمن يحاول وصفه المتنافي

4. A branch from us is our origin, how wondrous for Him,
From One and more than thousands.

٤. فرع بنا هو أصلنا فاعجب له
من واحد ويزيد عن آلاف

5. He dazzled the worlds with His face,
And threw them into confusion and disagreement.

٥. فرد الوجود بوجهه فتن الورى
فرمى بهم في حيرة وخلاف

6. His lights surpassed the sun at dawn,
And the universe turned to destruction through Him.

٦. فاقت على شمس الضحى أنواره
والكون آل به إلى الإتلاف

7. The realities and truths of knowledge are evident,
From His servant in Surat Al-A'raf.

٧. فقه المعارف والحقائق ظاهر
من عبده في سورة الأعراف

8. He is the Beautiful, for Him is all beauty,
And He is the one who loves fulfilling beauty.

٨. فهو الجميل له الجمال بأسره
وهو الذي يهوى الجمال الوافي

9. The hearts understood His hints, so they came,
Yearning to Him in piety and chastity.

٩. فهمت إشارتَه القلوبُ فأقبلت
تزهو إليه على تقى وعفاف

10. With the light of His appearance, He erased their traces,
And endowed them with wonders and subtleties.

١٠. فمحا بنور ظهوره آثارها
وأمدها ببدائع الألطاف