
Existence merged with its existents

إن الوجود بموجوداته امتزجا

1. Existence merged with its existents
An illusion without merging, so comprehend the grade

١. إن الوجود بموجوداته امتزجا
وهماً بغير امتزاج فاعرف الدرجا

2. All their levels are high, each one belongs to Him
The Owner of the Throne, the Throne surrounds all the worlds

٢. رفيعها درجات كلهن له
ذو العرش عرش محيط بالعوالم جا

3. These are the ranks, in them He descended forever
Ranks from Him, from them all He emerged

٣. هي المراتب فيها نازل أبداً
مراتبٌ عنه عنها كلها خرجا

4. And they are His considerations in Himself appeared
For Him, to Him in it orderly, not crooked

٤. وهي اعتباراته في نفسه ظهرت
به له فيه بالترتيب لا عوجا

5. And all of them are nonexistence while He is their existence
Added at the first intellect and people of pilgrimage

٥. وكلها عدم وهو الوجود لها
يضاف عند أولى عقل وأهل حجا

6. And they are only a realization added to Him
In my view as stated in the Quran, shining

٦. وإنما هي تحقيقاً تضاف له
عندي كما جاء في القرآن منبلجا

7. To Allah belongs what is in the heavens, likewise what
Is on earth, rather, everything like this inclined

٧. لله ما في السموات كذاك وما
في الأرض بل كل شيء هكذا لهجا

8. And He has never ceased to be in what is in it of blessings
From being aloof from them, so the land split

٨. ولم يزل هو فيما فيه من نعم
من التنزه عنها فانشق الأرجا

9. So if you knew, then say whatever you wish about Him, and if
You did not know Him, then adhere to the restriction and obligation

٩. فإن عرفت فقل ما شئت فيه وإن
جهلته فالزم التقييد والحرجا

10. Exalted is the existence which has no other but its rising
In everything like light while all are humbled

١٠. جل الوجود الذي لا غير طلعته
في كل شيء كنور والجميع دُجا

11. Like the sea and all are like waves from it, to it
Transcendent is He from them, so beware of blindness

١١. كالبحر والكل كالأمواج منه له
منزه هو عنها فاحذر اللججا

12. And understand my words like my understanding, or leave it and do not
Follow the foremost of ignorance about us and leave ferocity

١٢. وافهم كلامي كفهمي أو فدعه ولا
تتبع أولى الجهل فينا واترك الهمجا

13. We knew and we were ignorant of it
So we recognize ignorance when the heart escaped from it

١٣. إنا علمنا وكنا جاهلين به
فنعرف الجهل إذ منه الفؤاد نجا

14. And the ignorant about it before they knew
It, so they do not know knowledge and the path

١٤. والجاهلون به من قبل ما علموا
به فلا يعرفون العلم والنهجا

15. Allah is Greatest, this is the face of our Creator
In us it appeared, so we saw distress and relief

١٥. الله أكبر هذا وجه خالقنا
فينا بدا فرأينا الضيق والفرجا

16. And we are predestined things that hint with it
People of despair and discouragement, and people of hope

١٦. ونحن منه تقادير تلوح به
فأهل يأس وإقناط وأهل رجا

17. He predetermined apparent things
For Him, to Him whoever came or turned

١٧. مقدر نفسه أشياء ظاهرة
به له من أتاه أو إليه لجا