
I was told: What is the difference in the eyes of the wise

لقد قيل لي ما الفرق عند أولي الذكر

1. I was told: What is the difference in the eyes of the wise
Between the Basmala of Islam and the Basmala of blasphemy?

١. لقد قيل لي ما الفرق عند أولي الذكرِ
فبسمله الإسلام بسملة الكفرِ

2. So I said: Exalted be Allah, my Lord, above
That by which all Christians have gone astray over time

٢. فقلت تعالى الله ربي عن الذي
أضل به كل النصارى مدى الدهر

3. For the Basmala of Islam are the names of our Lord
Blessed in the Quran, they came from purity

٣. فبسملة الإسلام أسماء ربنا
تبارك في القرآن جاءت عن الطهر

4. Muhammad was sent as a mercy to creation
With revelation which is the Quran, for praise and thanks

٤. محمد المبعوث للخلق رحمة
بوحي هو القرآن للحمد والشكر

5. As for the Basmala of blasphemy, which they claim
Jesus brought within his radiant Gospel

٥. وبسملة الكفر التي قيل أنها
بها جاء عيسى ضمن إنجيله الزهر

6. The narrator did not speak true regarding it, for he is an unbeliever
And the reports of the people of disbelief are false tales

٦. وما صدق الراوي لها وهو كافر
وأخبار أهل الكفر باطلة الخُبْر

7. And if I accept their alleged claim
I will explain to you the meaning of its Hebrew expression

٧. وإني على تسليم زعم رواتها
سأبدي لكم معنى عبارتها العبري

8. They say Jesus said: "In the name of the Father from whom
Jesus was born by breathing into the virgin"

٨. يقولون عيسى قال باسم الأب الذي
تولد عيسى منه بالنفخ في البكر

9. Yes, He is the Spirit of Allah that came
To the perfect human by Jibril the supported with good news

٩. نعم هو روح الله بالبشر السوي
أتى وهو جبريل المؤيد بالبشر

10. Jibril was an image in the heavens
With greatness above the high heavens and eagles

١٠. وجبريل كانت في السموات صورة
له عظمت فوق السماكين والنسر

11. And that image was made in the likeness
Of the first created being, who is the Spirit at rest

١١. وتلك له قد صورت عن حقيقة
لأول مخلوق هو الروح فاستقر

12. Do not be confused - one who was three has been created
And was here before as one in command

١٢. ألا فافهموا مخلوقة قد تثلثت
وكانت هنا من قبل واحدة الأمر

13. It is the Spirit, Jibril, and in the form of a normal man
As it is stated in the decisive Scripture

١٣. هي الروح جبريل وفي صورة امرئٍ
سويٍّ كما قد جاء في محكم الذكر

14. With the verse: We sent down to her Our Spirit
Jibril and the person representing like the full moon

١٤. بآيةِ أرسلنا إليها فروحنا
وجبريل والشخص الممثل كالبدر

15. Three figures while they are one, originating
From predetermined nonexistence, great in destiny

١٥. ثلاثة أشباحٍ وهم واحدٌ بدا
من العدم المقدور يعظم في القدر

16. So the Father is none other than the Spirit, and He is the Father
Of all creation, for whoever understands my words as I understand

١٦. فما الأب إلا الروح وهو أبو الورى
جميعاً لمن يدري كلامي كما أدري

17. And the Son is none other than the appearing form
Which is the coming human, and Jibril of pride

١٧. وما الإبن إلا صورة قد تمثلت
هي البشر الآتي وجبريل ذو الفخر

18. This is supported by his words "I have come from my Father"
His Father, the Spirit, is from where he came to clarify

١٨. يؤيد هذا قوله جئت من أبي
إليكم أبوه الروح منه أتى يبري

19. The Christians understood from this that He
Is God - Glorified is Allah above the necessities of limitation

١٩. وقد فهمت منه النصارى بأنه
هو الله جل الله عن موجب الحصر

20. Far be it from the Messenger of Allah, who is the son of Mary
To speak the words of disbelief, idolatry, and sin

٢٠. وحاشى رسول الله وهو ابن مريم
يقول كلام الكفر والشرك والوزر

21. It is far-fetched that Jesus the son of Mary
Would believe that Allah can be confined by a rock

٢١. وهذا بعيد أن عيسى بن مريم
يظن بأن الله يدرك بالحجر

22. Far be He from the likening of His Lord with Him
And from attributing corporeality to Him secretly and openly

٢٢. وحاشاه من تشبيه ربي عنده
ومن نسبة التجسيم في السر والجهر

23. For the created being has no power over Him
Because the intellect created from Him is truly lost

٢٣. وإن لمخلوق عليه تسلّطاً
بعقل فإن العقل منه لفي خسر

24. Never can the Prophets be ignorant of Him
Exalted - each of them is in the grip of captivity

٢٤. وهيهات أن الأنبيا يجهلونه
تعالى وكل منه في قبضة الأسر

25. The Prophets of Allah all have beliefs of transcendence
That shine brightly in the chest

٢٥. وما أنبياء الله إلا لكلهم
عقائد تنزيه تشعشع في الصدر

26. But those of tyranny, ignorance and blindness
Wanderers in denying the truth and betrayal

٢٦. ولكن ذوو الطغيان والجهل والعمى
حيارى من الإنكار للحق والغدر

27. They are the miserable ones, misguided from the ways of guidance
And from smelling the good scent of truth from its diffuser

٢٧. هم الأشقيا الضالون عن سنن الهدى
وعن شم طيب الحق من فائح العطر

28. The Messenger of Allah came to them with the clear truth
But they did not understand what he said from the start

٢٨. أتاهم رسول الله بالحق واضحاً
فلم يفهموا ما قال من أول الأمر

29. And they thought that his intended meaning by it
Was to say - and they went astray from the transcendence of the Subduer

٢٩. وظنوا بأن الله مقصده بها
يقول وضلوا عن تنزه ذي القهر

30. And Satan led them astray until they spoke
With his condemned whispering from intense deception

٣٠. وأغواهم الشيطان حتى تكلموا
بوسواسه المذموم من شدة المكر

31. They considered their disbelief to be like
Our faith in Allah in ease and hardship

٣١. وقد حسبوا كفراً لديهم مشابهاً
لإيماننا بالله في العسر واليسر

32. There is no light of belief like the darkness of rejection
No baptismal water like water of purity

٣٢. وما نور تصديق كظلمة جاحد
ولا ماء معمودية ماء ذي طهر

33. No pure one secretly and openly is comparable
To one filthy secretly and openly for a lifetime

٣٣. ولا طاهر سراً وجهراً بمشبه
لذي نجس سراً وجهراً مدى العمر

34. The Basmala of Islam is shining light
While the Basmala of disbelief is the belief of unbelievers

٣٤. فبسملة الإسلام نور مضيئة
وبسملة الكفر اعتقاد أولي الكفر

35. If its meaning was upon the approach by which
Jesus came according to us its knowledge flows

٣٥. وإن كان معناها على المشرب الذي
به جاء عيسى عندنا علمها يجري

36. As we have said, and it is the taste of the son of Mary
By which he hints about himself, disclosing the veil

٣٦. كما نحن قلنا وهو ذوق ابن مريم
يشير به عن نفسه كاشف الستر

37. For one who did not know himself, did not
Know the verified Lord through deduction

٣٧. فإن الذي لم يعرف النفس منه لم
يكن يعرف الرب المحقق بالحزر

38. Muhammad is essential, so his Basmala
Came from the station of the Essence, breaking the back

٣٨. محمدُ ذاتيٌّ فبسملة له
أتت من مقام الذات قاصمة الظهر

39. With the names of Allah's Essence that have been clarified for us
While Jesus pertains to attributes, like Adam in righteousness

٣٩. بأسماء ذات الله قد صرحت لنا
وعيسى صفاتيٌّ كآدم في البر

40. And the names of my Lord are manifestations of attributes
By which effects become evident, originating from the sea

٤٠. وأسماء ربي للصفات مظاهر
بها تظهر الآثار حدث عن البحر

41. Adam was told "Inform them of their names", he came
While Jesus' information was about creation and command

٤١. لآدم أنبئهم بأسمائهم أتى
وإنباء عيسى كان بالخلق والأمر

42. So when the Basmala of those Names appears
It occurs through the effects of the Effective in the effect

٤٢. فبسملة الأسماء تلك إذا بدت
تكون بآثار المؤثر في الأثر

43. Take knowledge from me regarding what
I guide to, from the divine command in my poetry

٤٣. خذ العلم عني بالذي أنا مرشد
إليه عن الأمر الإلهي في شعري

44. And leave alone making understandings with which
They have interpreted transmitted texts by opinion and thought

٤٤. ودع عنك إفهام العقول التي بها
لقد أولوا المنقول بالرأي والفكر

45. For the common people, since their vision
Falls short of knowing the companion of the palace

٤٥. لأجل عوام الناس حيث تقاصرت
بصائرهم عن علم صاحبة القصر

46. They always lack power over the unseen
While we fear unfamiliarity for them

٤٦. فما عندهم عجز عن الغيب دائماً
كما عندنا خوفاً عليهم من النكر

47. They think that knowledge of Allah is like
What they say about Zaid's knowledge and Amr's

٤٧. يظنون أن العلم بالله مثل ما
يقولون عن زيد بعلم وعن عمرو

48. While we know the two levels, both of them
And we know what is hidden from an ignorant immersed

٤٨. ونعلم نحن الرتبتين كلاهما
ونعرف ما قد غاب عن جاهل غمر

49. For all Prophets have verified approaches with me
For them there is the scent of flowers

٤٩. وإن لكل الأنبياء مشارباً
محققة عندي لها نفحة الزهر

50. If you wish I could state some of that, and perhaps
You would see in my words regarding it prose and verse

٥٠. فإن شئت أبدي بعض ذاك وربما
ترى في كلامي منه في النظم والنثر

51. I am of those who attained the encompassing inheritance
By which I was fulfilled in it, and I was certain of victory

٥١. وإني لمن من نال ميراث جامع
فنيت به فيه فأيقنت بالنصر

52. Muhammad, sent with the truth, breaking
The necks of enemies with the cutting sword

٥٢. محمد المبعوث بالحق قاصماً
رقاب الأعادي بالمهندة البتر

53. Upon him, the prayer of God, then His peace
For as long as the moon circles, however rich the melody

٥٣. عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه
مدى الدهر ما غنى على عوده القمري

54. With the Family and Companions - the servant is not in need of the Rich
He came with the excellent system of scent and dispersal

٥٤. مع الآل والأصحاب ما العبد للغني
أتى بنظام طيب الطيِّ والنشر