1. The book of Allah encompasses all things
And the Sunna of Ahmed the Chosen is an explanation
١. كتاب الله جامع كل شيء
وسنة أحمد المختار شرحُ
2. And their explanation is the openings which came
From the side of holiness, he brought them as conquest
٢. وشرحهما الفتوحات التي من
جناب القدس جاء بهن فتح
3. To our master Shaykh, the Arab whom we
Received from him a flood of guidance and gift
٣. لشيخ شيوخنا العربي من قد
أتانا منه فيض هدى ومنح
4. Muhyi al-Din he is called, as he revived
The religion of Allah, that is excellent praise
٤. بمحيى الدين يدعى حيث أحيى
لدين الله ذلك نعم مدح
5. Openings through which the scholars increased
Knowledge toward the unseen of the unseen they aim
٥. فتوحات بها العلماء زادت
علوماً نحو غيب الغيب تنحو
6. Through it the perplexed are guided to verification
And the drunk of passion and ignorance awaken
٦. بها الحيران للتحقيق يهدي
وسكران الهوى والجهل يصحو
7. But if Allah guides him so that
From denial the tablet of the soul is erased
٧. ولكن إن هداه الله حتى
من الإنكار لوح النفس يمحو
8. And do not be surprised, for indeed the book of my Lord
Through it men lost and it is profit
٨. ولا تعجب فإن كتاب ربي
به خسرت رجال وهو ربح
9. And the Sunna of Ahmed the Chosen, a people
Through it they are in darkness and it is dawn
٩. وسنة أحمد المختار قوم
بها هم في ظلام وهي صبح
10. And if not for misguidance in their vessels
No misguidance from them would have poured
١٠. ولولا في أوانيهم ضلال
لما منهم ضلال كان نضح
11. By Allah the Almighty, the oath of an obedient slave
Truthful, he carries no deviation in that
١١. ووالله العظيم يمين عبد
صدوق ما عليه بذاك جنح
12. The imams of our religion did not compose in
Our Law the likes of that, nor is it sound
١٢. أئمة ديننا ما صنفوا في
شريعتنا كتلك ولا يصح
13. And how could they when it contains principles
And the whole of unveiling for people as advice
١٣. وكيف وقد حوت لعلوم رسم
وكشف كله للناس نصح
14. And in Islam it has no equal
In containing what it contains, and it is the soundest
١٤. وفي الإسلام ليس لها نظير
فيحوي ما حوت وهو الأصح