1. The people gathered for harm and were confused
Amongst themselves, and the carpet of evil they laid out
١. تجمَّع القوم للأضرار واختبطوا
ما بينهم وبساطُ السوء قد بسطوا
2. Then came to them the words of Mohiuddin that fell in line
O Might of God, undo the knot they tied
٢. فجاءهم قول محيي الدين ينضبطُ
يا سطوة الله حلِّي عقد ما ربطوا
3. And scatter the unity of the folk with whom we mixed
Iblis is their caller to evil and their uniter
٣. وشتتي شملَ أقوامٍ بنا اختلطوا
إبليسُ للشرِّ داعيهم وجامعهم
4. And none can stop them from their passions
I called when their compliance to the opposite appeared
٤. وما لهم عن هواهم من يمانعهم
ناديت لما بدا للعكس طائعهم
5. God is Greater, Sword of God their cutter
And whenever they rose up in their injustice, they were brought down
٥. الله أكبر سيف الله قاطعهم
وكلما قد علوا في ظلمهم هبطوا