
The servant's adornment is his poverty and need,

زينة العبد فقره واحتياجه

1. The servant's adornment is his poverty and need,
And richness with God wherever he is happy.

١. زينة العبد فقره واحتياجُهْ
والغنى بالإله لاق ابتهاجُهْ

2. And he in other than Him is mere illusion,
How many desires ruin brought upon its groups.

٢. وهو في غيره مجرد وهمٍ
كم به رادت الردى أفواجه

3. And the ignorant who thinks with something,
Of the goods of the world his disposition is corrected.

٣. والجهول الذي يظن بشيء
من متاع الدنيا يصح مزاجه

4. Nothing enriches the poor even if the existence,
Poured down to him all of its revenue.

٤. ليس يغنى الفقير شيء ولو سي
ق إليه من الوجود خراجه

5. And for this you see him while the greed is in a condition,
Of need yet rich is his ascension.

٥. ولهذا تراه والحرص في حا
ل افتقار وغنية معراجه

6. And it is from the disease of loving his world, he remains
Sick, everyone's cure has blinded him.

٦. وهي من داء حب دنياه مازا
ل مريضاً أعيى الجميع علاجه

7. And the rich one, rich with the essence, not with the
Fleeting accident whose foam is whipped up.

٧. والغني الغني بالذات لا بال
عرَض الزائل المثار عجاجه

8. O son of two days, do not fear the cutting off of your sustenance,
How many youths before you were content when needy.

٨. يا ابن يومين لا تخف قطع رزق
كم فتى قبلك اكتفى محتاجه

9. And how many providers have doubted in their adequacy,
And survival has straitened its expanses upon them.

٩. وكم ارتاب عائل في كفاف
وعليه في العيش ضاقت فجاجه

10. Then when the matter was submitted, his servants prospered
And his women's ease was facilitated.

١٠. ثم لما أن سلم الأمر أثرت
خادموه وأيسرت أزواجه

11. So win with the comfort of your heart O you who,
Increased from missing what he aspires to upset him.

١١. فُزْ بِراحات قلبك الغر يا من
زادَ من فَوْتِ ما يروم انزعاجه

12. And cast away the worries from your heart and gain
The pure living if you are well its produce is good.

١٢. واطرح الهمَّ عن فؤادك واربح
صفوَ عيشٍ إن طبت طاب نتاجه

13. Do not say, my sustenance is diminished apart from others,
Every sustenance its extraction is estimated.

١٣. لا تقل قل دون غيري رزقي
كل رزق مقدر إخراجه

14. The apportionment of God, no increase in it,
Nor decrease, its fresh and its salty.

١٤. قسمة الله لا زيادة فيها
لا ولا نقص عذبه وأجاجه

15. And the youth, other than his sustenance he did not attain,
Even if he strategized and prolonged his dispute.

١٥. والفتى غير رزقه لم ينله
ولو احتال واستطال لجاجه

16. How many valiant wanted other than his sustenance,
So it cut off his limbs.

١٦. كم شجاع أراد رزق سواه
يحتويه فقطعت أوداجه

17. And for how many the sustenance of a man fortified,
So they raided him and demolished his towers.

١٧. ولكم ضم رزق إنسان حصن
فغزوه وهدمت أبراجه

18. It called out, if your sustenance were in you, what
God did not open for you, you cannot extract it.

١٨. صاح لو كان فيك رزقك ما لم
يفتح الله عاقك استخراجه

19. And if the crown of Chosroes joined upon the sustenance of a lowly youth,
And the crown recoiled from him.

١٩. ولو انضم تاج كسرى على رز
ق فتى ذل وانزوى عنه تاجه

20. Every hardship, even if it lasted long,
Soon its relief and unraveling will come.

٢٠. كل ضيق وإن تطاول دهراً
عن قريب لا بد يأتي انفراجه

21. This is the custom of the All-Dominant over us,
And upon it has his course certainly ran.

٢١. هذه عادة المهيمن فينا
وعليها لقد جرى منهاجه

22. Which time has passed without a type,
Of bestowal which clothed the barrenness flourishing.

٢٢. أي وقت يمر من غير نوع
من عطاء كسا الكساد رواجه

23. And for my Master in the world are many hands,
With which the servant straightens his twisting.

٢٣. كم لمولاي في الورى من أياد
عند عبد بها استقام اعوجاجه

24. And for Him every hour and time,
An ocean of grace its waves surge forth.

٢٤. وله كل ساعة وزمان
بحر فضل تدفقت أمواجه

25. Trust in the Gentleness of God in every condition,
For He in creation is a shining lamp.

٢٥. ثق بلطف الإله في كل حال
فهو في الخلق مستنير سراجه

26. And if it narrowed or the matter became difficult,
Then it expands widely its opening and illumination.

٢٦. وإذا ضاق أو تعسر أمر
ثم أبطا انفساحُه وانبلاجه

27. And tomorrow the heart from it will be in a prison of worries,
With darkness increased not dying its disputation.

٢٧. وغدا القلب منه في سجن همٍّ
زائد الظلم لم يمت حجاجه

28. So rely and toss the weapon and leave what,
You are in and let its frenzy pass from you.

٢٨. فتوكل وارمِ السلاحَ ودعْ ما
أنت فيه وليمض عنك هياجه

29. And make the whole creation as if it did not,
Exist before to remove from the heart its shaking.

٢٩. واجعل الكون كله لم يكن من
قبلُ يذهبْ عن الفؤاد ارتجاجه

30. And expect goodness in that which you are,
But ignorance blackened the face muddied.

٣٠. وتر الخير في الذي أنت فيه
لكن الجهل سود الوجه زاجه

31. And He with Whom all matters are equal,
Then in the crucible of trial its melting.

٣١. والذي عنده الأمور تساوت
ثم في طاجن الحجا إنضاجه