1. He is the sanctified stream, like a torrent that smashes
So the heart cannot conceal that
١. هو الوارد القدسيُّ كالسيل يحطمُ
فلا يستطيع القلب ذلك يكتمُ
2. It flowed in the channels of the soul from the presence of the Most High
So we met its breeze, and the heart is enamored
٢. جرى في مجاري الروح من حضرة العلى
فصادفنا نهواه والقلب مغرم
3. Thus we cast it into poetry at times with our words
And we cast it into prose for one who understands
٣. فنلقيه نظماً تارة بكلامنا
ونلقيه نثراً عند من هو يفهم
4. We relieve ourselves of what we suffer from its impact
For its control is overwhelming and overpowering
٤. نفرج عنا ما نقاسي بوقعه
فصولته غلابة والتحكُّم
5. It makes us vanish at times and at others makes us firm
And we through it are in bliss and comfort
٥. له محونا طوراً وطوراً ثبوتنا
ونحن به في جنة نتنعم
6. Oh what a morning the words of one who spoke before us
To Him in the evening we say to fulfill
٦. ألا عم صباحا قول من قال قبلنا
له ومساء نحن قلنا نتمم
7. And not everyone who has spoken is of every speaker
Except the unseen who speaks from us
٧. وليس الذي قد قال من كل قائل
ومنا سوى الغيب الذي يتكلم
8. He is the evident, known in every evident
He is the hidden, unknown to one who does not know
٨. هو الظاهر المعروف في كل ظاهر
هو الباطن المجهول من ليس يعلم
9. We knew Him, not that we knew Him as we knew
Others besides Him, and otherness in Him ceases to exist
٩. عرفناه لا أنا عرفناه مثل ما
عرفنا سواه والسوى فيه يعدم
10. Far, far removed, the eternal existence cannot
Be indicated by our knowing and translated
١٠. وهيهات هيهات الوجود القديم لا
يشير به عرفاننا ويترجم