
He built everything, then destroyed it for them,

بنى الكل ثم لهم قد هدم

1. He built everything, then destroyed it for them,
With existence taking forms from nonexistence.

١. بنى الكلَّ ثم لهم قد هدَمْ
وجود له صورٌ من عدَمْ

2. He manifested Himself, so there is nothing but that
Which His knowledge has encompassed from eternity.

٢. تجلَّى فلا شيء غير الذي
أحاط به علمه من قدم

3. That is His transient decrees -
Among them are kings, among them are servants.

٣. وذاك تقاديره الفانيات
فمنها ملوك ومنها خدم

4. They deemed His encompassing knowledge to be
For them an existence, while they were flesh and blood in shackles.

٤. إحاطته حسبوها لهم
وجوداً وهم أسر لحم ودم

5. If they had known the annihilation within them,
They would have succeeded, and permanence of foot would have been theirs.

٥. فلو عرفوا ما بهم من فناً
لفازوا وكان ثبوت القدم

6. But they were ignorant of their souls
Which have transience, so regret took hold.

٦. ولكنهم جهلوا أنفساً
لهم فانيات فحل الندم

7. And by death they will know their conditions
And know that what they built has collapsed.

٧. وبالموت يدرون أحوالهم
ويدرون ما قد بنوه انهدم

8. And the matter will become clear that He who
Built existence for them and then vanished,

٨. وينكشف الأمر أن الذي
بنوه الوجود لهم وانعدم

9. And they returned as they began at first -
With God, they are nothing, and it is sealed.

٩. وعادوا كما ابتدئوا أولاً
مع الله لا شيء هم وانختم