
The going is restricted though departure is easy

ذال الذهاب مقيد طلق الشذا

1. The going is restricted though departure is easy
And its benefit removes impending harm

١. ذالُ الذهابِ مقيِّدٌ طلْقَ الشذا
والنفع منه يزيل داهمة الأذى

2. Self-sacrificing, as though self-denying
In it lies protection, yet in it lies plea

٢. متبذل فكأنه متمنع
وبه الحجا منه لديه تعوذا

3. Daylight appears, daylight appears, daylight appears
The obscure is hidden, the obscure is hidden, this and that

٣. ظهر الضيا ظهر الضيا ظهر الضيا
خفي السوى خفي السوى هذا وذا

4. A letter with which existence spoke and was shaped
In the tablet and the preserved, just so

٤. حرف به نطق الوجود وشكله
في اللوح والمحفوظ ذلك هكذا

5. And it is the Sublime beyond forms and the like
From a prophetic presence, so there, there

٥. وهو العلي عن الرسوم ونحوها
من حضرة نبوية فإذا إذا