
My harm benefits my envious one conversely

ضرري نفع حاسدي بالنقيض

1. My harm benefits my envious one conversely
So take me to the ample and wide open space

١. ضرري نفع حاسدي بالنقيضِ
فاسلكوا بي إلى الطويل العريضِ

2. I'm extremely weary of an ignorant one who doesn't know
Anything sweet is sweet in the mouth of that sick one

٢. ضقت ذرعاً من جاهل ليس يدري ال
حلو حلواً بفيه ذاك المريض

3. Add my state to his state, then divert from me
He said what he said about it by allusion

٣. ضم حالي لحاله ثم عني
قال ما قال عنه بالتعريض

4. Opposing what he has from God, I have from God
The eye of a lover is not the eye of a hater

٤. ضد ما عنده من الله عندي
ليس عين المحب عين البغيض

5. The frog of water croaked seeking water
While it's in water between a delicate garden

٥. ضفدعُ الماء نقَّ يطلب ماءً
وهو في الماء بين روض أريض

6. The lightning of fever flashed and the darkness of
Existence disappeared from us with that flash

٦. ضاء برق الحمى فزال ظلام ال
كون عنا بلمع ذاك الوميض

7. Her musk breaths blew on us
Sacredities inspired us, and the low and high

٧. ضمختنا بمسكها نفحات
أقدسيات أوجِنا والحضيض

8. Lost from her is one who busied himself with other than her
Of appearances of black and white in revelation

٨. ضل عنها الذي اعتنى بسواها
من شخوص سود وفي الكشف بيض

9. I suckled the breast of the unseen with my people
So we gathered upon ardent brotherhood

٩. ضرع غيب رضعته مع قومي
فاجتمعنا على الإخاء الغضيض

10. Straitened life of an ignorant one who doesn't know
What we know, and life is the life of activity

١٠. ضنك عيش لجاهل ليس يدري
ما درينا والعيش عيش النهيض