
Blessed is God, there is no permanence in the abode,

تبارك الله ما في الدار ديار

1. Blessed is God, there is no permanence in the abode,
Rather it is fires and lights.

١. تبارك الله ما في الدار ديّارُ
وإنما هي نيران وأنوارُ

2. Salima has unveiled her face from her covers,
Her face shines and her glance enchants.

٢. وقد أماطت سليمى عن براقعها
فوجهها مشرق والطرف سحّار

3. The whole is but the radiance of her joy,
Circles, all centered around her and revolving.

٣. وما الجميع سوى إشراق بهجتها
دوائرٌ كلهم عنها وأدوار

4. If she gestures, the universes appear,
Through her, and else all in her are mysteries.

٤. إن أومأت كانت الأكوان ظاهرة
عنها وإلا ففيها الكل أسرار

5. Eyes were dazzled by her, from her their gaze turned
To the hue of existence wherever existence turns.

٥. جلت عيون بها منها لها نظرت
في صبغة الكون حيث الكون أطوار

6. O King of kings, you have made yourself manifest to us,
You are our essence though the name is another's.

٦. يا مالك الملك منا قد ظهرت لنا
وأنت أعياننا والإسم أغيار

7. You have conquered us so we rule what you rule,
And you have lifted from us the veils over your being.

٧. ملكتنا فملكنا ما ملكت وعن
ذواتنا قد أميطت منك أستار

8. She is an essence which in creatures seems manifold,
Say suns or, if you wish, say moons.

٨. وإنما هي ذات بالورى كثرت
فقل شموس وقل إن شئت أقمار

9. The strings of names for your essence ring, not
As they claim, strings and chords ring.

٩. رنات أوتار أسماء لذاتك لا
كما يقولون رنات وأوتار

10. By her we are enraptured, and you are our ravisher,
To none but you belong hearing and sight.

١٠. بها طربنا وفيها أنت مطربنا
وما لغيرك أسماع وأبصار

11. You have given us to drink, O Giver of drink, from our cups,
The wine of epiphany, and intoxication steals into us.

١١. سقيتنا أيها الساقي بأكؤسنا
خمر التجلي وفينا دب إسكار

12. We are the cup, and you the wine imbibed,
And every meaning that came to us is from you, the server of wine.

١٢. ونحن كأس وأنت الخمر تشربه
وكل معنى أتانا منك خمّار

13. You have written us by you in the tablets of our essence,
So we are your tales and legends.

١٣. كتبتنا بك في ألواح نشأتنا
فنحن عنك أحاديث وأخبار

14. The being of existence by it from it is turned,
As smoke is turned by fire that kindled it.

١٤. صرف الوجود به عنه الشؤن بدت
كما الدخان له قد أبدت النار

15. Not so in my view is the reality of the matter,
Though in their words all have gone astray.

١٥. وما كذلك نفس الأمر في نظري
وإنما الكل في أقوالهم حاروا

16. We are the servants, and if we have been graced,
Still we, my Master, remain the free.

١٦. نحن العبيد وإن وصلتنا كرماً
فإنما نحن يا مولاي أحرار

17. And we are you, nothing but you here,
Though judgment veils and hides this.

١٧. وإننا أنت لا شيء سواك هنا
ولكن الحكم هتّاكٌ وستار

18. A blink of your eye reveals us,
As wretched or righteous, however you desire.

١٨. إيماء جفنك يا ذا العين يظهرنا
فأشقياء كما شاءت وأبرار

19. You are still you, as you have always been,
While we are we, no loss or shame.

١٩. وأنت أنت على ما أنت من قدم
ونحن نحن فلا نقص ولا عار

20. These are lineages you have deemed,
In which for them are secrecy and disclosure.

٢٠. وهذه نسب أنت اعتبرت لها
فيها فكان لهم كتمٌ وإظهار

21. The upshot of the affair is the affair's upshot
Is this, though with others it is masked.

٢١. وحاصل الأمر أن الأمر حاصله
هذا ولكنه بالغير غرّار

22. God is greatest! None knows our saying,
That we are other than ourselves and all are confused.

٢٢. الله أكبر لا يدري مقالتنا
في كوننا غيرنا والكل محتار

23. God is greatest! By Him we are absent
From ourselves, and for us in that there are no traces.

٢٣. الله أكبر نحن الغائبون به
عنا وليس لنا في ذاك آثار

24. None but us in the universes knows us,
And the absent we, though to speak this is veiling.

٢٤. ولا سوانا من الأكوان يعرفنا
والغيب نحن وهذا القول إضمار

25. God is greatest! His essence is exalted,
So thoughts and views cannot attain Him.

٢٥. الله أكبر عزت ذاته وعلت
فليس تدرك آراء وأنظار

26. He knows by it in all, from Him is not hidden,
Subtle and overpowering is He.

٢٦. وهو العليم به في الكل ليس له
عنه خفاء فذو لطف وجبار

27. They appeared and said, "It is the spirits that have judged
Over bodies theirs in the cosmos for a span."

٢٧. بدا فقالوا هي الأرواح قد حكمت
على جسوم لها في الكون أعمار

28. He is the Hidden, so neither spirits nor bodies know Him,
And thoughts of Him remain confused.

٢٨. وهو الخفي فلا أرواح تعرفه
ولا جسوم وحارت فيه أفكار

29. If He wills, each will be guided to Him
From the error in which he strayed, far from unbelief.

٢٩. فإن يشأ يهتدي كل إليه بما
قد ضل فيه وعنه زال إكفار

30. If He wills, through the faith with which some believed,
Others are led to blaspheme, if He desires decrease as increase.

٣٠. وإن يشأ فبما قد آمنت كفرت
قوم وإن شاء فالإقلال إكثار

31. The reality of what a thing requires has no effect,
You may bring it or send it away.

٣١. حقيقة ما اقتضى شيء لها أثراً
ترومه فهي إيرادٌ وإصدار

32. We do not speak like their poet who said,
"It is but advance and retreat."

٣٢. ولم نقل مثل ما قد قال شاعرهم
وإنما هي إقبال وإدبار

33. I am the one who says what Mehmet the Renewer said
In two verses, reminding people:

٣٣. أنا الذي قول محيي الدين قلتُ به
بيتين ضمنُهما للناس تذكار

34. The sea is still the sea, as it was before,
Events are waves and rivers, no more.

٣٤. البحر بحرٌ على ما كان من قدمٍ
إن الحوادث أمواج وأنهار

35. I do not claim recurrence nor
Return of epiphany - in the matter there is no recurrence.

٣٥. ولا أقول بتكرار الوجود ولا
عود التجلي فما في الأمر تكرار