
I saw the gazelles in the protected land resting,

رأيت الظبى في الحمى راتعات

1. I saw the gazelles in the protected land resting,
So I looked upon their names and attributes.

١. رأيت الظِّبى في الحمى راتعاتْ
فشاهدت أسماءها والصفاتْ

2. When they appeared to us without identity,
We said they are the unseen and the unseen is lost.

٢. ولما تجلت عدمنا الذوات
وقلنا هي الغيب والغيب فات

3. So turn around, O pourer of cups,
And do not forget me, for I have sat here long.

٣. ألا فالتفت يا مدير الكؤوس
ولا تنسني قد أطلت الجلوس

4. Raise me up that I may witness the bride’s face,
And bring me the remnants of the cup, bring it here.

٤. أقمني لأشهد وجه العروس
وهات اسقني فضلة الكأس هات

5. My beloved smiled at me with beautiful eyes,
So I called to him for safety,

٥. حبيبي سطا بالعيون الحسان
علينا فناديت منها الأمان

6. And I gave him from me every moment -
Greetings, greetings, and most faithful prayers.

٦. وأهديت مني له كل آن
سلاماً سلاماً وأوفى صلات

7. Just as his companions, the honorable ones,
The ones whose glory cannot be envied,

٧. كذا آله والصحاب الكرام
ذوو المجد مَن فضلهم لا يرام

8. With them the servant attained his station,
And with them he attained firmness and steadfastness.

٨. بهم نال عبد الغني المقام
ونال الرسوخ بهم والثبات