1. This abundant One
So rejoice in Him, O finder
١. هذا الكثير الواحدُ
فافرح به يا واجدُ
2. For we all belong to Him
Praising Him for all time
٢. فجميعنا منه له
طول الزمان محامد
3. All are but bowing
Forever prostrate before Him
٣. ما الكل إلا راكع
أبداً إليه وساجد
4. And we have His meanings
From Him mosques shine
٤. ولنا معانيه التي
منه تلوح مساجد
5. Truly prostration is annihilation
For the one who intends Him
٥. إن السجود هو الفنا
فيه لمن هو قاصد
6. And bowing is death to
The claims of arriving souls
٦. وكذا الركوع الموت عن
دعوى النفوس الوارد
7. So wonder at the matter of increase
From Him and what is increased
٧. فاعجب لأمر زائد
منه وما هو زائد
8. Creation multiplied in number
So they propagated and gave birth
٨. خلق تكثَّر عدُّهم
فتناسلوا وتوالدوا
9. And separated into fractions while they
Are envied and envious
٩. وتفرقوا فرقاً وهم
محسودهم والحاسد
10. Yet all are images of Him
Returning through recurring attributes
١٠. وجميعهم صور له
عادت بهن عوائد
11. And they are affairs for His essence
So they alternate and propagate
١١. وهم الشؤن لذاته
فطوارف وتوالد
12. And our matters are composed by Him
Of Him thus we are poems
١٢. وأمورنا انتظمت به
عنه فنحن قصائد
13. Awaken your heart and be aware
Of His appearance, O sleeper
١٣. أيقظ فؤادك وانتبه
لظهوره يا راقد
14. And know that you are a finder
In Him and you are losing
١٤. واعلم بأنك واجد
فيه وأنك فاقد
15. For He is the One by whose affair
Near and far are related
١٥. فهو الذي بشؤنه
متقارب متباعد
16. And all from Him belong to Him
In both states bringing benefits
١٦. والكل منه له به
في الحالتين فوائد
17. A sea swelling with its ships
Endlessly and not tired
١٧. بحر يميد بسفنه
أبداً وما هو مائد
18. He is absolute and His restrictions
Are numbered and counted
١٨. هو مطلق وقيوده
معدودة والعادد
19. So reside in Him in His shade
For He is generous and glorious
١٩. فاسكن به في ظله
فهو الكريم الماجد
20. Whenever you seek Him you find
From Him spreads banquets
٢٠. أيان تقصده تجد
منه تمد موائد