
Concealing a secret by revealing it

تستر السر بإفشائه

1. Concealing a secret by revealing it
Is like a wave attributed to its water

١. تستر السر بإفشائه
كالموج منسوب إلى مائه

2. Not everything people say is a symbol or
A gesture made with a wave

٢. ليس كلام القوم رمزاً ولا
إشارة منهم بإيمائه

3. It is explicit to them, apparent
From the first letter to the last

٣. وهو صريح عندهم ظاهر
من ألف الخط إلى يائه

4. Apply their terminology, whoever
Knows it gains from its tidings

٤. طبق اصطلاحات لهم كل من
يعرفها فاز بأنبائه

5. Like grammar and morphology, their terminology
Known only to the adept of its people

٥. كالنحو والصرف اصطلاح لهم
يدري به حذاق أبنائه

6. So mingle with them and do not deny
To know the cure of a person from his illness

٦. فخالطوا القوم ولا تنكروا
تدروا دواء الشخص من دائه

7. And socialize with them to know them and do not
Seek that a dead person comes to life

٧. وعاشروهم تعرفوهم ولا
تبغوا يفز ميت بإحيائه

8. For the people of God are light and will not
A person see light with his darkness

٨. فإن أهل الله نور ولن
يرى امرؤٌ نوراً بظلمائه

9. And leave the matter to its people
Who is tested knows his afflictions

٩. وسلموا الأمر إلى أهله
من يبتلي يدري ببلوائه

10. They are people whose Lord has preoccupied them
Their minds intoxicated by His splendors

١٠. وهم أناس شغلهم ربهم
عقولهم سكرى بصهبائه

11. Whoever knows God, that is who
Knows them, established by His names

١١. من يعرف الله فذاك الذي
يعرفهم قاموا بأسمائه

12. And whoever associates with a lover knows him
In his concealment of the secret and its expression

١٢. ومن يعاشر عاشقاً يدره
في كتمه السر وإبدائه

13. None knows longings except one who
Suffered them in his core

١٣. لا يعرف الأشواق إلا الذي
كابدها في ضمن أحشائه

14. And every people has one guided
And one misguided, the rule of his consequence

١٤. وكل قوم عندهم ذو هدى
وذو ضلال حكم إجرائه

15. This one adorned for them and that one ugly for them
So take each by its parts

١٥. زين لهم هذا وشين لهم
هذا فخذ كلَّاً بأجزائه