1. Slay the soul with the sword of diligence
To attain the pleasure of your Master
١. اذبح النفس بسيف الإجتهادْ
في رضى مولاك تحظى بالمرادْ
2. And uncover the veils from the heart through Him
And contemplate the face of your Generous Lord
٢. واكشف الحجب عن القلب به
وتأمل وجه مولاك الجواد
3. Be not of those who were commanded
But turned blind and deaf to truth
٣. لا تكن من نفر قد أمروا
فعموا عنه وصموا بازدياد
4. They asked and investigated and explored
And wandered lost in every valley
٤. سألوا واستخبروا واستكشفوا
ولقد هاموا به في كل واد
5. Had they but entrusted the matter
To the Lord of all men
٥. ولو اَنَّ القوم فيهم رشد
فوضوا الأمر إلى رب العباد
6. And accepted what He had decreed
As far as they were able, for God guides aright
٦. وأتوا منه بما قد قدروا
واستطاعوا وعلى الله الرشاد