1. We are a people who love the beautiful faces,
And through them Allah has given us more kindness.
١. نحن قوم نهوى الوجوه الحسانا
وبها الله زادنا إحسانا
2. And we have an eye that disdains the lowly,
It has made us more convinced and perceiving.
٢. وعلينا من المهين عين
أوسعتنا تحقُّقاً وعيانا
3. And the wine of revelation has been poured for us,
And through it our cup has become filled.
٣. ولنا قد أدير خمر التجلي
وبه صار كأسنا ملآنا
4. And we witnessed existence as a pond, and
The images of all were for us like scales.
٤. وشهدنا الوجود حوضاً وكانت
صور الكل عندنا كيزانا
5. Indeed, whoever obtains a sip from it one day
You will not see him thirsty again.
٥. إن من نال شربة منه يوماً
لا تراه على المدى ظمآنا
6. And there are people who have exchanged religion for it
They were expelled, so they were filled with transgression for it.
٦. وأناس قد بدلوا الدين عنه
طردوا فامتلوا له طغيانا
7. Everything they attempted took them further from it
Do not blame them, their misguidance misguided them from guidance.
٧. كل ما حاولوه أبعد عنهم
لا تلمهم أضلهم من هدانا
8. The pond of the best of mankind is fresh, pure,
Cool, palatable for those suffering.
٨. حوض خير الأنام عذبٌ زلالٌ
بارد سائغٌ لمن يتعانى
9. Between us is His promise over the pond we will meet
The owner of the pond just as He will meet us.
٩. بيننا وعده على الحوض نلقى
صاحب الحوض مثل ما يلقانا
10. And in the beautiful face is the secret of witnessing
Through which the creation has remained blind.
١٠. وبوجه المليح سرُّ شهودٍ
عنه مازالت الورى عميانا
11. Lost from it is he who was misled by Iblis in ignorance
And he refused its perfection in deficiency.
١١. ضل عنه من قبل إبليس جهلاً
وأبى عن كماله نقصانا
12. And to it the angels of Allah were guided
And through His command gained more certainty.
١٢. وإليه اهتدت ملائكة الل
ه وزادت بأمره إيقانا
13. The heavens were manifested through it
And made clear before all a declaration.
١٣. حضرات الأسما به قد تبدت
وأبينت عند الجميع بيانا
14. And to it prostration was evidence
Thus named Islam and faith.
١٤. وعليه السجود كان دليلاً
فتسمى الإسلام والإيمانا
15. Know Him and continue seduced by Him
And draw near to Him, you will be human.
١٥. كن به عارفا ودُمْ فيه مغريً
وتقرب له تكن إنسانا
16. And whoever strays from Him is ignorant
Wherever his Lord named him a devil.
١٦. والذي حاد عنه فهو جهول
حيث سماه ربه شيطانا
17. Indeed, He is the door but the opening is difficult
For some, increased fear, and for some, security.
١٧. إنه الباب لكن الفتح صعب
زاد قوماً خوفاً وقوماً أمانا
18. A cup of beauty and a cup of passion and I
Have not ceased to be intoxicated with them.
١٨. كاس حسن وكاس عشق وإني
بهما الآن لم أزل سكرانا
19. This in general is the state of my condition
And transcendence from the One who revealed the Criterion.
١٩. هذه في العموم جملة حالي
وتعالى من أنزل الفرقانا
20. And for the people of exclusivity I have a station
Every state within itself is annihilated.
٢٠. ولأهل الخصوص مني مقام
كل حال في ذاته يتفانى
21. In the house of my dignity it was from the past
Then its clothes became renewed.
٢١. كان في بيت عزتي من قديم
ثم صارت ثيابه الحدثانا
22. And it is our Quran in the night of destiny
We recited it for an hour or so.
٢٢. وهو قرآننا بليلة قدر
قد تلوناه ساعةً وتلانا
23. If companionship with Ahmed has passed
We still remain his brothers.
٢٣. إن تكن قد مضت لأحمد صحبٌ
إننا لم نزل له إخوانا
24. This is what came in the narrations about him
And they indicated that he would be pleased.
٢٤. هكذا جاء في الأحاديث عنه
ودَّ لو أنه يكون رآنا
25. The outward knowledge among the companions has perished
And that is the knowledge of responsibilities for mankind and jinn.
٢٥. ظاهر العلم في الصحابة باد
وهو علم التكليف إنساً وجانا
26. And that which has appeared through us is a knowledge
Beyond any innermost interior.
٢٦. والذي قد بدا بنا هو علم
زاد عن كل باطن إبطانا
27. And it is the knowledge of honor, the knowledge of noble traits
Not assumption for us or speculation.
٢٧. وهو علم التشريف علم المزايا
ليس ظناً لنا ولا حُسبانا
28. Rather, realized certainty we took
From witnessing, instant by instant.
٢٨. بل يقين محقق أخذته
قومُنا بالشهود آناً فآنا
29. And it is the knowledge of God that appears in one
Who has recited Allah as a Quran.
٢٩. وهو علم الإله يظهر فيمن
قرأ الله ذاته قرآنا
30. Take it from us through spiritual state and speech
And enter our protection and empty your worries for us.
٣٠. خذه منا بالحال والقال وادخل
لحمانا وافرغْ لنا عن سوانا