1. I am entirely from You a boon and existence
Images appear and disappear and existence
١. أنا كلي منك إنعامٌ وجودْ
صور تبدو وتخفى ووجودْ
2. This is one command sentence
None other with the Unseen and Witness
٢. هذه جملة أمر واحد
لا سواه عند غيب وشهود
3. Sometimes appears, sometimes disappears
And it is for us utter freedom, and restrictions
٣. تارة يبدو ويخفى تارة
وهو إطلاق لدينا وقيود
4. O You who flows to Him and by Him
Cutting through the deserts on the back of stillness
٤. أيها الساري إليه وبه
يقطع البيدا على ظهرِ قَعود
5. Empty the heart for Him from other
And purify it with bowing and prostration
٥. فرِّغِ القلبَ له من غيره
واجتليه بركوع وسجود
6. Contemplate Him through Him and dwell in Him
In the sanctuary of His might among the arrivals
٦. وتأمله به واسكن به
في حمى عزته بين الوفود
7. Salma turned kindly to her cheek
And from it she let down over the slender
٧. عطفت سلمى على حلَّتها
وهي منها سدلت فوق النهود
8. If only she would lift from us a glance
That we may see the mole above the cheeks
٨. ليتها ترفع عنا طرفاً
لنرى الخال الذي فوق الخدود
9. A black mole, and it is I
In her radiant youth that stirs up passion
٩. وهو خالٌ أسودٌ وهو أنا
في سنا طلعتها يشجي الأسود
10. How by it I grew silent, and how I wished for a lad
With faces in His presence white and black
١٠. كم به أَصْمَتْ وكم أردت فتىً
بوجوهٍ عنده بيض وسود
11. And it is one face colored
By His prevailing decree without refusal
١١. وهو وجه واحد صبغته
حكمها النافذ من غير نفود
12. Let no trace of me remain, O longing
Of her by whom I walked the path of ancestors
١٢. لا تدع يا شوق مني أثراً
للتي سرت بها سير الجدود
13. My thanks are hers, my praise His praise
And by Her from Her my rising and sitting
١٣. شكرها شكري وحمدي حمدها
وبها منها قيامي والقعود
14. She watered us and sated us from the flask
And guided us, did not say 'Be gone O Thamud'
١٤. ثمد الماء سقتنا وروت
وهدتنا لم تَقُلْ أمّا ثمود
15. And in the land of stone she did not forbid us
Her command in us, so we were people of Hud
١٥. وبأرض الحِجْر لم تحجر على
أمرها فينا فكنا قوم هود
16. Our habit was keeping the covenants
Which she took from us and pacts
١٦. دأبنا حفظ المواثيق التي
هي منا أخذتها والعهود
17. And she in us exceeded all bounds
While we in them did not exceed limits
١٧. وهي فينا عن حدود خرجت
نحن فيها ما خرجنا عن حدود
18. She fettered us with the guidance of Her rulings
And She from us broke free, She does not return
١٨. قيدتنا بهدى أحكامها
وهي عنا انطلقت ليست تعود
19. We have no life without Her, ever
Can a shadow stand without a pillar?
١٩. ما لنا عنها غناء أبداً
هل يقوم الظل من غير عمود