
We are with Him, nor are we apart,

لا معه نحن ولا معنا

1. We are with Him, nor are we apart,
We are no word, no meaning have we.

١. لا معه نحن ولا معْنا
ونحن لا حرفٌ ولا معنى

2. We all are but one thing, that is certain,
A hint, or less, as some bow signify.

٢. بل نحن أمر واحد كلنا
إشارة القوسين أو أدنى

3. By truth existent we existed too,
Mere dreams on fantasy, we were not true.

٣. وهو الوجود الحق كنّا به
وهماً على وهمٍ وما كنا

4. Like snow we melt in water at His look
When unto us His essence is made known.

٤. نذوب ذوب الثلج في مائه
إذا تجلى عندنا استغنى

5. His attributes all back to His essence lead,
Since there is no third thing, nor twain indeed.

٥. صفاته مرجعها ذاته
إذ لا ثلاثٌ لا ولا مثنى

6. O Absolute Oneness, what thing is there
Upon Thy being to be said or known?

٦. يا وحدةً مطلقةً ما على
وجودها حكم له يُعنى

7. By utter nothingness Thou art enclosed
As Thou Thyself to us hast disclosed.

٧. بالعدم الصرف أحاطت كما
قالت لنا لما لها قلنا

8. We have no saying, and no sayers are,
We see no fear, no safety do we ken.

٨. ونحن لا قول ولا قائل
ولا نرى خوفاً ولا أمنا

9. And at His names we have made halt, and ceased,
So by no profit we were increased.

٩. وقد وقفنا عند أسمائه
شرعاً فما أغنى وما أقنى

10. And whatsoever by them we expressed
Secretly shared belief will straight destroy.

١٠. وكلما جزنا به جاءنا
شرك الخفا يدني إلى المغنى

11. And of His Essence we have no knowledge,
Either denial or confession showeth.

١١. والأصل لا علمٌ به عندنا
كلا ولا جهلٌ به منا

12. Presence nor absence can we claim to find,
We've lost all thought of front and base behind.

١٢. ولا حضور لا ولا غيبة
وقد عدمنا الظهر والبطنا

13. This, of His knowledge, is the madness known
To whom in Truth's path madness has grown.

١٣. هذا جنون الحق في عقلنا
يدريه من في الحق قد جنا

14. O son, say not 'two' having said the 'One',
Or who makes one with Being will rue.

١٤. يا ابن طريق الحق لا تلحني
من وحد الموجود ما ثنّى

15. What I have spoken, reason cannot know,
How should a rational mind perceive it so!

١٥. قول المجانين الذي قلته
أنَّى لعقلٍ فهمُه أنَّى