1. The Truth appeared in the form of the Imaginary
When He was named the Eternal
١. حق بدا في صورة الموهومِ
لما تسمَّى فيه بالقيومِ
2. And His attributes continued to flow
His names multiplied in souls and bodies
٢. وتتابعت أوصافه وترادفت
أسماؤه في أنفس وجسوم
3. And His actions became manifest and opposed
His ordained judgments
٣. وتبينت أفعاله فتعاكست
أحكامها في أمره المحكوم
4. We are the stars in the heavens of guidance
Pelting the devils of enmity with shooting stars
٤. نحن الكواكب في سموات الهدى
نرمي شياطين العدى برجوم
5. Images we drank the sweetness of Kawthar from
While the ignorant suffer from Zaqqum
٥. صور شربناها حلاوة كوثر
والجاهلون تعبُّ من زقّوم
6. They read existence as delusions and decorations
And doubts, imaginations and the ugliness of understandings
٦. قرأوا الوجود وساوساً وزخارفاً
وشكوك أوهامٍ وقبح فهوم
7. While we read it as pages spread
With the Truth between sciences and knowledge
٧. ولقد قرأناه صحائف نُشِّرَت
بالحق بين معارف وعلوم
8. It was a shady shade for those guided by it
And burning distress for those who spurned it
٨. ظل ظليل للذين به اهتدوا
وعلى الذين جفوه من يحموم
9. The heavens of hearts shone with our sun
While for the people it was the rising of stars
٩. ضاءت سموات القلوب بشمسنا
وعلى الورى كانت طلوع نجوم
10. And now its time has passed with our appearance
Our exclusivity encompasses the generality
١٠. والآن نوبته انقضت بظهورنا
وخصوصنا مستجمع لعموم
11. For Him is what was before us and for us through Him
Is eternity, the difference being only conventions
١١. أزل له ما قبلنا ولنا به
أبد وليس الفرق غير رسوم
12. We are those whose light of knowledge illuminates
Among the people in the absence of the Infallible
١٢. نحن الذين يضيء نور علومنا
بين الورى في غيبة المعصوم
13. God is Great - how honorable is our station
And abundant our predestined share
١٣. الله أكبر ما أعز مقامنا
وأجل وافر حظنا المقسوم