
The year of the chosen prophet

سنة نبي مختار

1. The year of the chosen prophet
In which standing in night prayer was long

١. سنةْ نبيْ مختارْ
فيها قيام الليلْ

2. Lifespans through it were extended
Strength and abilities were granted

٢. طالت بها الأعمارْ
تعطى القوى والحيلْ

3. Through it lights were attained
And wishes and the Nile were sought

٣. حوزوا بها أنوارْ
واحووا المنى والنيلْ

4. Pray it, O righteous ones
From you will go away sorrow

٤. صلوها يا أبرارْ
عنكم يزول الويلْ

5. Al-Siddiq (Abu Bakr) indeed believed truthfully in it
The truthful one, without any doubt

٥. قد صدَّقَ الصدّيقْ
فيها أبو بكرِ

6. From it came divine accord of contentment
From the best of mention

٦. واختص بالتحقيقْ
حقاً بلا نكرِ

7. So be content with a passionate heart
Inclining toward it

٧. عنه الرضى توفيقْ
من أفضل الذكرِ

8. Al-Farooq (Umar) revived it
The son of Al-Khattab the young man

٨. فارضوا بقلب شيقْ
فيه إليه ميلْ

9. From his value came impediment
Amongst the group of companions

٩. أحيى لها الفاروقْ
نجل الفتى الخطابْ

10. From it came spoken divine accord
For the masters, the beloved

١٠. من قدره العيّوقْ
في زمرة الأصحابْ

11. So be content with it, from it came restraining
Pleased and walking smoothly

١١. عنه الرضى منطوقْ
للسادة الأحبابْ

12. Then Uthman took care
Of this tradition

١٢. فارضوا فعنه النوقْ
ترضى وتمشي سيلْ

13. From his presence came two lights
From the greatest of bounties

١٣. ثم اعتنى عثمانْ
في هذه السنَّهْ

14. He was distinguished with acceptance
From it you will see paradise

١٤. من عنده نورانْ
من أعظم المنَّهْ

15. And Allah by the excellent deed
Will fulfill for you in full measure

١٥. خصوه بالرضوانْ
عنه تروا الجنَّهْ

16. And be content with the oft-returning (Ali)
The son-in-law and the cousin

١٦. والله بالإحسانْ
يوفى لكم في الكيلْ

17. Who was entrusted with secrets
Possessor of abundant generosity

١٧. وارضوا عن الكرارْ
والصهر وابن العمْ

18. Along with the group of the pure
The family, companions and then

١٨. من خصَّ بالأسرارْ
حاوي العطاء الجمْ

19. The foremost saints
In them becomes long the tale

١٩. مع جملة الأطهارْ
آل وصحب ثمْ

٢٠. والأوليا الأخيارْ
فيهم يطول الذيلْ