
The universes are empty of the one who dwells in my heart

خلت الأكوان ممن هو في قلبي مقيم

1. The universes are empty of the one who dwells in my heart
He never leaves, and through him I attained perfection

١. خلت الأكوان ممن هو في قلبي مقيم
لا يغيب وبه نلت الكمال

2. So convey, O people, the one who is my companion in my dark night
This beloved, I am to him like shadows

٢. فانقلوا يا قوم عمن لي في ليلي نديم
ذا الحبيب أنا منه كالظلال

3. When one becomes infatuated with him, the lonely becomes many
Suspicions make the individual plentiful

٣. واحد لما تثني هام فيه ذو الغرام
والظنون تجعل الفرد كثير

4. He attained from him what the lover of the full moon wished for
And how many battles have eyes fought against us

٤. نال منه ما تمنى عاشق البدر التمام
والعيون كم لها فينا قتال

5. Nothing adorns this face except him, apparent without any equal
To us he is the most majestic without any like

٥. ما على ذا الوجه حاجب وهو ظاهر لا سواه
عندنا جل من غير شبيه

6. Death is obligatory upon us, but death is life
When he came near with his majesty and beauty

٦. فعلينا الموت واجب إنما الموت حياه
مذ دنا بجلال وجمال

7. My Lord never ceased giving life to the Prophet Mustafa
And all the Companions every time and era

٧. لم يزل ربي يحيي للنبي المصطفى
والصحاب كل وقت وزمان

8. What Abdel Ghani narrated from the tidings of the people of loyalty
This book, and he was blessed with children

٨. ما روى عبد الغني عن نبا أهل الوفا
ذا الكتاب وتهنى بالعيال