
The status of the Prophet's truthful companions is the pinnacle,

مقام بني الصديق ذروة فرقد

1. The status of the Prophet's truthful companions is the pinnacle,
And their unity among people is the noblest unity.

١. مقام بني الصديق ذروة فرقدِ
ومحتدهم في الناس أشرف محتدِ

2. O you who wears the garments of friendship!
Say to those who were hostile to the Prophet Ahmad's grandsons,

٢. فيا من بأثواب الصداقة مرتدي
ألا قل لمن عادى بني سبط أحمدِ

3. And the sons of the Prophet Muhammad's friend,
Through them the essence of noble lineage shone clearly.

٣. وأبناء صديق النبي محمدِ
بهم شرف الأنساب جوهره انجلى

4. Have you not heard the reciter relating their merits?
You want to degrade their lofty status,

٤. ألم تسمع القاري فضائلَهم تلا
تريد لديهم خفض مرتبة العلا

5. Await God's arrows and expect affliction.
They are the people of the supported high status.

٥. ترقب سهام الله وانتظر البلا
فانهمو أهل المقام المؤيد

6. Indeed, O people, they are the masters!
Do not belittle their manifest virtue.

٦. ألا تلكم السادات يا قوم تلكمُ
وفضلهم البادي فلا تنتقصهم

7. They are the chosen elite, they are the very ones!
I advised you, so beware of them and do not oppose them.

٧. هم الصفوة المستخلصون همو همُ
نصحتك فاحذرهم ولا تعترضهمُ

8. What business do you have with the knights in every battle?
Many were killed by invoking curses upon those who harmed them.

٨. وما لك والفرسان في كل مشهد
دُعاهُم على من ضرهم كم به قُتِلْ

9. I see the rope of affection from you has loosened and not severed.
What business do you have with the masters, the pillars of the Almighty's court?

٩. فتىً معهم بالإفترا صار يقتتلْ
أرى حبل ود منك حل وما فُتلْ

10. Through them Egypt and Syria are honored with pride,
And the words of the slanderers are elevated by their words.

١٠. وما لك والسادات أقطاب حضرة ال
كمال وأصحاب الجلال الممجد

11. They are the truthful, their leader is upright.
Their status is above the highest horizon.

١١. بهم مصرهم تسمو افتخاراً وشامهمْ
ويعلو كلام المفترين كلامهم

12. Indeed for them is the noblest seat in the unseen.
If an insignificant person degrades them,

١٢. هم الصادقون المستقيم إمامهم
ومن فوق فوق الفرقدين مقامهم

13. He is none other than a biased rejector.
How could he when praising them is summarized?

١٣. بلى لهمو في الغيب أشرف مقعد
إذا قدرَهم بالزعم أرخصَ مرخِصُ

14. Servants who have a secret from God entrusted to them,
And a heart guided by the light of Truth.

١٤. فما ذاك إلا رافضيٌّ مخصصُ
وكيف وطول المدح فيهم ملخص

15. My Lord, turn the face of their adversary upside down!
And whoever slanders them one day is the witless one.

١٥. عباد لهم سر من الله مخلص
وقلب بنور الحق أعظم مهتدي

16. They are the imams of the witnessing sanctuary and the masters
Of existence, who partook of the sweetest spring.

١٦. معاندهم ربي على وجهه يَتُلّْ
وباغضهم في صرعه للجبين تُلّْ

17. To you belongs the highest ascent in glory, O their lover!
And you will be felicitous in the two abodes if you attain their proximity.

١٧. ومن يفتري يوما عليهم هو العُتُلّْ
أئمة محراب الشهود وسادة ال

18. Associate with them and be of their party.
They are the people; whoever loves them will not be miserable,

١٨. وجود ومن طابوا بأعذب مورد
لك الرفع في أوج العلا يا محبَّهم

19. And will become, through them, the most honored follower.
The sultans of glory, their soldiers are perfections,

١٩. وتسعد في الدارين إن نلت قربَهم
كن الملتجي فيهم وكن أنت حزبَهم

20. And their proximity is acceptance, and disfavor after them.
Through them the one whose covenant with them persists will be protected,

٢٠. هم القوم لا يشقى بهم من أحبَّهم
وصار بهم في الناس أكرم مقتدي

21. And their right does not fear injustice from their servant.
This is by the inheritance of the Hashimi Muhammad.

٢١. سلاطين مجد والكمالات جندهم
وقربهم الرضوان والسخط بعدهم

22. Whoever seeks refuge in their door attains wishes,
And reaches honor by walking in their path.

٢٢. بهم يحتمي من عنده دام عهدهم
وحقِّهمو لا يختشي الضيمَ عبدهم

23. O, the success of one who drinks a drop from their drink!
So take from them and serve the sanctuaries of their door,

٢٣. وهذا بإرث الهاشمي محمد
ينال الأماني من يلوذ ببابهم

24. For through the manifestation of Truth they are the noblest aim.
They are the kings of glory and their soldiers are perfections,

٢٤. ويدرك عزاً من مشي في ركابهم
ويا فوز حاوى قطرة من شرابهم

25. And their proximity is contentment and disfavor after them.
Through them the one whose covenant with them persists will be protected,

٢٥. فخذ عنهمو واخدم رحاب جنابهم
فهم بتجلي الحق أشرف مقصد