
My friend, why are the caravans thus

خليلي ما بال القوافل هكذا

1. My friend, why are the caravans thus
Turning away from the truth, which is misguidance?

١. خليلي ما بال القوافل هكذا
عن الحق مصرفون وهو ضلالُ

2. They see the existence of the creation as manifest
This is realized for them, it is said

٢. يرون الوجود الحق للخلق ظاهراً
يُحققُ هذا عندهم ويقال

3. As if the existence of creation has been realized
While the existence of Truth is an illusion

٣. كأن الوجود الخلق صار محقَّقاً
وأما الوجود الحق فهو خيال

4. An illusion in their minds, manifest
Absent from them, which is impossible

٤. خيال لديهم ظاهر في نفوسهم
لهم غائب عنهم وذاك محال

5. So they worship God in what they imagined
And it has become clear to all minds, rationally

٥. فهم يعبدون الله فيما تخيلوا
وقد بان في كل العقول عقال

6. That the existence of Truth has become restricted
For them by things that fade and disappear

٦. وإن الوجود الحق صار مقيداً
لديهم بأشيا تنمحي وتُزال

7. And so because of this, they denied it though it appeared
And was absent, and men roamed in its passion

٧. فمن أجل هذا أنكروه وقد بدا
وغاب وهامت في هواه رجال

8. Preoccupied with it, and the traces of His making
The ordainments of states prevented them, and shadows

٨. به شُغلوا عنه وآثارُ صنعه
تقاديرُ حالت دونَه وظلال

9. So they are neither with the people in what they realized
Nor with establishing their realization, so they differ

٩. فلا هم مع الأقوام فيما تحققوا
ولا هم على تحقيقهم فيخال

10. Ignorance upon ignorance, so compounded ignorance
And they have no means of dispelling that

١٠. وجهل على جهل فجهل مركب
وليس لهم في دفع ذاك مجال