1. Our Master, He is more deserving
While we are the other abode
١. بنا المولى هو الأحرى
ونحن النزلة الأخرى
2. We saw Him through us when
He manifested on the left side
٢. رأيناه بنا لمّا
تجلى الجهة اليسرى
3. And we were His meaning
So we could not assess Him
٣. وكنا عنه معناه
فلم نقدر له قدرا
4. And our meaning came into being
While His meaning came as a command
٤. ومعنانا أتى خلقاً
ومعناه أتى أمرا
5. We were hidden in Him when
He openly manifested before us
٥. خفينا فيه لما أن
تجلى عندنا جهرا
6. So we were unveiling near Him
And veiling near ourselves
٦. فكنا عنده كشفاً
وكنا عندنا سترا
7. We stood before Him with righteousness
And we traversed the sea through Him
٧. وقفنا دونه براً
وقد خضنا به بحرا
8. And we did not realize our equality in
His manifestation overpowering us
٨. ولم ندرك سوانا في
تجليه بنا قهرا
9. The unseen of the unseen is unveiled
And our Master knows best about it
٩. وغيب الغيب مكشوف
ومولانا به أدرى
10. And veiled from us about us
As the reminiscence came
١٠. ومستور بنا عنا
كما قد جاءت الذكرى
11. And this state does not pass
And this disease does not get cured
١١. وهذا الحال لا يمضي
وهذا الداء لا يبرى
12. So say to the one who yearns
Leave the untouched maiden
١٢. فقولوا للذي يهوى
دع المحجوبة البكرا
13. For what are you that you wish
To peek and disturb the slumber
١٣. فماذا أنت حتى تر
تجي أن تطرق الخدرا
14. But you are infatuated
With her unseen beauty
١٤. ولكن أنت مفتون
بإحساناتها التترى
15. The manifest beauty which
All creation is captive to
١٥. جمال ظاهر هذا
به كل الورى أسرى
16. And the Most High is enraptured
By its captivating charm
١٦. وأعلى الكل مجذوب
إليه جاذب أسرى
17. Without essence or attribute
Or this world or the next
١٧. بلا ذات ولا وصف
ولا دنيا ولا أخرى
18. He is the one affecting it, enticing
Without being affected or enticed
١٨. هو السالي لها المغري
ولا سال ولا مغرى