1. He is the Greatest, exalted is His glory
And the balance of justice is in His hands
١. هو العظيم الذي علا شانُهُ
وقام بالكفتين ميزانُهُ
2. His arteries pulsated and His eyes shone
As He won over the hearts of mankind
٢. وقد تثنت قدوده ورنت
عيونه واستمال إنسانُهُ
3. He remained One though His manifestations were many
The trains of His robes and His standards
٣. ولم يزل واحداً وكثرته
ذيول أثوابه وأردانُهُ
4. I was His Quran though separate from Him
Rather, I am the Furqan from the Furqan
٤. وكنت قرآنه بجمعي أنا
بل أنا مني بالفرق فرقانُهُ
5. Eyes that saw Him in forms
Bore witness to Him through proof
٥. جلت عيون رأته في صور
قام عليها بالحق برهانُهُ
6. And hearts that knew His might
Were filled with certainty and faith
٦. وجل قلب درى بعزته
يقينه ملؤه وإيمانُهُ
7. My hands are filled with Him and nothing else
For when other than Him fills, it is His filling
٧. ملأت منه يدي وليس بها
سواه إذ ما سواه ملآنُهُ
8. The water of the Prophet's pool was delicious to us
As we are its cups and goblets
٨. وماء حوض النبي راق لنا
ونحن أكوابه وكيزانُهُ
9. Blessed is Allah when He created me
In His image, and that is His benevolence
٩. تبارك الله حين صورني
صورته في وهي إحسانُهُ
10. And our glorification was strung together
In the straight path, "Glory to Him"
١٠. وانتظمت بالوجود سُبْحَتُنا
في سلكه المستطيل سبحانُهُ