
Our wine is the same wine you drink, your noble ones are ours, and ours are yours.

سواكم روى عنكم سوانا روى عنا

1. Our wine is the same wine you drink, your noble ones are ours, and ours are yours.
We fell in love with you, and in doing so, fell in love with our own souls.

١. سواكم روى عنكم سوانا روى عنا
وأعياننا منكم وأعيانكم منا

2. Each young man among us inclines toward you in love.
You are the existence of all, and all are your image.

٢. عشقناكمو لما عشقنا نفوسنا
وكل فتى منا إلى نحوكم حنا

3. Though each is enslaved by passion for you.
It is the spirit that moved in the nature of its body.

٣. وأنتم وجود الكل والكل شخصكم
وإن كان كلٌّ تابعاً في الهوى فنا

4. It showed fear at times, and at others showed safety.
It perished through that which gave permanence to its passion for it, through it,

٤. هي الروح دبت في طبيعة جسمها
وقد أظهرت خوفاً وقد أظهرت أمنا

5. Rather than perish all, it gave permanence to its passion by perishing.
It was the meaning, and our words belonged to it.

٥. وأفنى بما أبقى هواها لها بها
من الكلِّ بل أبقى هواها بما أفنى

6. So excellent are the words that become its meaning!
Ancient of epoch, though creation is its veil.

٦. وكانت هي المعنى وألفاظنا لها
فيا حسن ألفاظ تكون لها معنى

7. We came to it in the morning, and it became our essence.
It is the vine, the cluster, the presser

٧. قديمة عهدٍ والحدوث حجابها
غدونا لها ظهراً فصارت لنا بطنا

8. To which my lineage is also ascribed, though its seller was cheated.
It is the tones, the cups, and the harp,

٨. هي الكرم والعنقود والعاصر الذي
له انتسبت أيضاً وبائعها غبنا

9. And the religion of passion, and the one who made the instruments.
It is the people, the cupbearer, and our session

٩. هي الحان والكاسات والطاس والطلا
ودِنُّ الحميّا والذي صنع الدنا

10. To the right of the eastern sanctuary and the beautiful garden.
If you wish, then drink it from the whole, or take

١٠. هي القوم والساقي ومجلسنا على
يمين الحمى الشرقي والروضة الغنا

11. From a part a cup whose delicious taste brings ecstasy.
Unless you stand captive to illusion and imagination,

١١. فإن شئت فاشربها من الكل أو فخذ
من البعض كاساً طعمه العذب ما أهنى

12. Summoning with your intellect happiness or grief.
Obsession turns you at every moment,

١٢. وإلا تكن في أسر وهمك واقفاً
مع العقل تستدعي السرور أو الحزنا

13. And has deafened your hearing.
May God water the gardens of purposes and meetings,

١٣. يقلبك الوسواس في كل ساعة
وأعماك حتى قد أصم لك الأذنا

14. So that all may see in them beauty.
The lovers did not love anything but its beauty,

١٤. سقى الله روضات المقاصد واللقا
من الكل حتى الكل منها رأوا حسنا

15. Though they went astray by its beautiful names.
Layla and Lubna in the wilderness aimed

١٥. ولم تعشق العشاق غير جمالها
ولكنهم تاهوا بأسمائها الحسنى

16. Not at Layla, nor aimed at Lubna.
Had they not known it, and had they not,

١٦. وليلى ولبنى في البرية قصدهم
وما قصدهم ليلى ولا قصدهم لبنى

17. Found injustice for it, or followed conjecture.
May God give drink to the gardens of purposes and meetings,

١٧. ولو لم يكونوا عارفين بها ولو
لها وجدوا ظلماً ولو تبعوا الظنا