
If the dust were to clear from your eyes,

لو تجلى عن ناظريك الغبار

1. If the dust were to clear from your eyes,
You would see how the cup turns.

١. لو تجلى عن ناظريك الغبارُ
لرأيت الكؤس كيف تدارُ

2. And a fire would appear to you as it appeared
To Moses from the side of Mount Tur, a fire.

٢. ولبانت نار لديك كما با
نت لموسى من جانب الطور نار

3. And the features of your essence would vanish in those
In whom no trace remains.

٣. ولزالت رسوم ذاتك فيمن
لم يزل وأنمحت به الآثار

4. Unique in beauty you would reveal yourself,
With the veils removed from your face.

٤. وتبدت فريدة الحسن تُجلَى
زائلات عن وجهها الأستار

5. And you would see guidance, and the tambourine
And the flute would guide you.

٥. ورأيت الهدى وأرشدك الدف
فُ وصوت الغناء والمزمار

6. But your heart is heedless of you
And your face is covered with a thick veil.

٦. لكن القلب منك في غفلات
وعلى وجهك الكثيف خمار

7. Surely indulgence has seduced you
And illusions have deceived the ignorant.

٧. ويقيناً أن التكاثر ألها
ك وعزت بوهمك الأغيار

8. Sins have cast you into darknesses
About which minds are confused.

٨. ورمتك الذنوب في ظلمات
من شكوكٍ بها العقول تحار

9. So strive, seek the truth, and endure,
And let there be in you resolve and patience.

٩. فاجتهد واقصد الحقيقة واطلب
ولتكن فيك همة واصطبار

10. Humble yourself at the gate of your monastery and submit,
Perhaps the wine-pourer will come to you.

١٠. وتذلل بباب ديرك واخضع
فعسى أن يريدك الخمار

11. You are with yourself - just an illusion -
From which these aspects have appeared.

١١. إنما أنت عند نفسك وهم
ظهرت منك هذه الأطوار

12. What you are in is sheer delusion,
And in the path of truth it is shameful.

١٢. والذي أنت فيه محض غرور
وهو في مذهب الحقيقة عار

13. Non-being appears and disappears in existence,
Having no permanence in either reality.

١٣. عدم في الوجود يبدو ويخفى
ما له في الحقيقتين قرار