
I complain of God to His creation

أشكو من الله إلى خلقه

1. I complain of God to His creation
Though I would then be of Hell's denizens

١. أشكو من الله إلى خلقه
إني إذاً من أهل دار الجحيمْ

2. Yet my gratitude to Him is everlasting
For His boundless favors so tremendous

٢. وإنما شكري له دائماً
على توالي الفضل منه العظيم

3. Did He not bring into being what was not?
By creating this generous soul of mine

٣. ألم يكن أوجد ما لم يكن
مني بإيجاد جواد كريم

4. And He it is who protects me with that
Which provides me lasting livelihood

٤. وهو الذي يحفظني بالذي
يمدُّني منه برزق مقيم

5. However I see His bounty abound
It immerses me, for He is Forgiving and Merciful

٥. وكيفما كنت أرى فضله
غامرني وهو الغفور الرحيم