1. You are the utterer and the non-utterer
And the utterance and the observed and the non-observed
١. أنت هو الملفوظ واللافظُ
واللفظ والملحوظ واللالحظُ
2. And the moment and the known and the knower
And the knowledge and the preserved and the preserver
٢. واللحظ والمعلوم والعالم
والعلم والمحفوظ والحافظ
3. And the preservation and the eaten and the eater
And the eating and the imagined and the imaginer
٣. والحفظ والمأكول والآكل
والأكل والمجهوظ والجاهظ
4. And all that is comprehended by the intellect and the
Intellect and whoever is enraged and the enraged one
٤. وكل ما يدرك بالعقل وال
عقل ومن يغتاظ والغائظ
5. And the senses and the sensed and the fancy and the
Fancied, rather even the sermon and the preacher
٥. والحس والمحسوس والوهم وال
موهوم بل والوعظ والواعظ
6. Are degrees that have stood in existence
With the True having power over changing them and watching over them
٦. مراتب قام وجود بها
حق على تغييرها واقظ
7. And He is absolute existence, fixed
The fortunate and the scrutinizer have been perplexed by Him
٧. وهو وجود مطلق ثابت
قد حار فيه السعد والجاحظ
8. And all the saints and prophets
And the Living in realizing Him the surpassing one
٨. والأوليا والأنبيا كلهم
والحيّ في تحقيقه الفائظ