
Blessed is he whose insight is unveiled,

طوبى لمن كشفت بصيرته الغطا

1. Blessed is he whose insight is unveiled,
And from his Master receives all kinds of gifts.

١. طوبى لمن كشفت بصيرتُه الغطا
وأتاه من مولاه أنواع العطا

2. His times are pleasant with his Beloved,
And for him, sins have pardon and mistake.

٢. طابت له أوقاته بحبيبه
وعن الذنوب له تجاوز والخطا

3. Circulate around the Kaaba of your love, stand at
Its Arafat, and come to the middle place.

٣. طف حول كعبة من تحب وقف على
عرفاته وائت المحلَّ الأوسطا

4. Purify for him a house to live in, and nothing
Other than your heart is an oppressor or a just.

٤. طهر له بيتاً ليسكنه وما
هو غير قلبك ظالماً أو مقسطا

5. Our tambourine has fixed its strings,
So it excels in melodies, extremely.

٥. طنبورنا قد أصلحت أوتاره
فأجاد في النغمات حداً مفرطا

6. The ignorant hopes with his mind to attain
This prophecy, but it refused to submit to him.

٦. طمع الجهول بأن ينال بعقله
هذا النبا فأبى عليه تسلطا

7. The acts of some people are disobedience to others,
So make your heart a landing place for the gazelle.

٧. طاعات أقوام معاصي غيرهم
فاجعل فؤادك للغزالة مهبطا

8. Feed whom you want, for you obey the will of Him
Who appears through you, so beware of making a mistake.

٨. طع من أردت فأنت طوع مراد من
هو ظاهر بك فاحترز أن تغلطا

9. Ta Ha is the Messenger, from his light
All creation emerged, then if he removed the veil!

٩. طه الرسول تكونت من نوره
كل البرية ثم لو ترك الغطا

10. My hand has lengthened since I pledged allegiance to him to guidance,
And in him I sought the most cautious standing.

١٠. طالت يدي مذ بايعته على الهدى
وبه توخيت المقام الأحوطا