1. We are the ranks of existence ranked
Eternally, and what is the farthest and nearest of existence
١. نحن المراتب بالوجود مرتبَهْ
أزلاً وما أقصى الوجود وأقربَهْ
2. Since there is none but Him, and all that is other than Him
Are but attributes by which He prevails over them
٢. إذ لا سواه وما سواه جميعه
إلا الشئون له به متغلبه
3. Thus they have eternally been made for us by none but Him
An assignation to Him, and assignation is a gift from Him
٣. هي هكذا أزلاً لنا من غيرها
جعْلٌ له والجعلُ منه له هِبَهْ
4. And assignation is an effusion of His existence, and His existence
Is what overflowed, but appears ranked to imagination
٤. والجعل فيض وجوده ووجوده
ما فاض لكن للتوهم مرتبه
5. Existence is free of essences
And essences were made subordinate to it by His power
٥. إن الوجود عن المواد مجرد
وله المواد تقدرت مترتبه
6. It is He who appears through them, and they
Appear through Him, existing, changing
٦. وهو الذي يبدو بها وهي التي
تبدو به موجودة متقلبه
7. Our declaring His unity distinguishes Him from them through Him
And when distinguished, they become hidden from Him
٧. توحيدنا تمييزه عنها به
وإذا تميز فهي عنه مغيبه
8. We absolve Him of all attributes comparing
And reject comparison, for absolving has no likeness
٨. نزِّهْهُ عن كل الشئون مشبهاً
وانفِ التشبه فالتنزه لا شبه
9. He is comparable and absolved in attributes
Without attributes, and His essence astonishing
٩. هو في الشئون مشبه ومنزه
دون الشئون وذاته مستغربه
10. Be cognizant in existence, aware through it
For through it is the pleasant life
١٠. كن في الوجود محققاً واحي به
إن الوجود به الحياة الطيبه