1. Every people has its languages
And every deletion has its permanence
١. كل أناس لهم لغاتُ
وكل محو له ثباتُ
2. And every time has its words
And every work has its tool
٢. وكل وقت له كلام
وكل شغل له أداةُ
3. And every secret has its emergence
And every night has its travellers
٣. وكل سر له ظهور
وكل ليل له سراة
4. And every matter has its heaven
And every person has his traits
٤. وكل أمر له سماء
وكل شخص له سمات
5. And every rule has its enforcement
And every self has its qualities
٥. وكل حكم له مضاء
وكل ذات لها صفات
6. And every wine has its butler
And every cup has its pourers
٦. وكل خمر له مدير
وكل كأس له سقاة
7. And every arrow has its target
And every bow has its archers
٧. وكل سهم له مصاب
وكل قوس له رماة
8. And every bird has its food
And every beast has its wilderness
٨. وكل طير له غذاء
وكل وحش له فلاة
9. And none knows the distance of my matter
Except he who gathered its pieces
٩. وليس يدري ببعد أمري
إلا الذي جمعه شتات
10. And made his night day with guidance
And in his evening is a morrow
١٠. وليله بالهدى نهار
وفي مساء له غداة
11. And his heart is the sun in its rise
Its setting for him is death
١١. وقلبه الشمس بالتجلي
غروبها عنده الممات
12. And his body is blown soul images
By his command the remains are resurrected
١٢. وجسمه صور نفخ روح
بأمره تحشر الرفات
13. His scale is reason and the path is
The law said by the guides
١٣. ميزانه العقل والصراط ال
شرع الذي قالت الهداة
14. He dies in an hour and lives
So his death is good and life
١٤. يموت في ساعة ويحيى
فموته طاب والحياة
15. And the summary of the matter is he is like me
Two essences in description and it is one essence
١٥. وحاصل الأمر فهو مثلي
ذاتان في الوصف وهي ذات
16. And anything else is an ass of ignorance
His awakening in the world is years
١٦. وما سواه حمار جهل
يقظته في الورى سنات
17. His devil riding on him
From his hand his wealth has no salvation
١٧. شيطانه راكب عليه
من يده ماله نجاة
18. It makes him ungrateful for what he knows not
Of what the trusted ones knew
١٨. يوقعه في جحود ما لا
يدريه مما درت ثقات
19. Turbid what is clear to him
And the heart from the hardness of pebbles
١٩. مكدر ما له صفاءٌ
والقلب من قسوة صفاة
20. And that has no consideration to me
Nor to it is our attention
٢٠. وذاك ما لا اعتبار عندي
ولا إليه لنا التفات
21. And the letter is foreign and as for
Its letters they are neglected
٢١. والحرف ذو عجمة وأما
حروفه فهي مهملات