1. You do not comprehend, O one with the face, my weeping
Were it not for the fact that I am nothingness
١. لم يفه يا ذا الوجه فمُ
بك لولا أنني العدمُ
2. So turn and look to your origin, do not
Boast, for you will be struck with regret
٢. فالتفت وانظر لأصلك لا
تفتخر يلحق بك الندم
3. Verily my Lord, with His power
Light and darkness are equal
٣. إن ربي عند قدرته
تستوي الأنوار والظلم
4. And His gifts are without rationale
As is deprivation and bounty
٤. وعطاياه بلا علل
وكذا الحرمان والنعم
5. No person deserves his station
Therein, O you who comprehend
٥. ما استحق المرءُ مرتبة
هو فيها أيها الفهم
6. No self earns its provision
Rather, His gifts to us are generosity
٦. ما اقتضت نفس عطيَّتها
بل عطاياه لنا كرم
7. Neither does vileness necessitate the ugly
Nor does deprivation necessitate one forbidden
٧. ما اقتضى القبح القبيح ولا
يقتضي الحرمان منحرم
8. Rather, by pure choice, over
Every one with a head and foot
٨. بل بمحض الإختيار على
كل ذي رأس له قدم
9. And all are captives of His grip
One granted bounty at times, and one avenged another time
٩. وجميعاً أسر قبضته
منعمٌ طوراً ومنتقم