
He who died knows that You are the Evident Truth

من مات يعلم أنك الحق المبين

1. He who died knows that You are the Evident Truth
And I who died in You am certain indeed

١. من مات يعلم أنك الحق المبينْ
وأنا الذي قد متُّ فيك على اليقينْ

2. And I vanished even in Your existence, it became clear to me
How can I cling to You with the Firm Rope

٢. وفنيت حتى في وجودك بان لي
كيف التمسُّك منك بالحبل المتينْ

3. O Light of light of all creatures
Light upon Light, It is the Evident Light

٣. يا نور نور الكائنات جميعها
نور على نور هو النور المبينْ

4. I am darkness which appeared by the light of Muhammad
And Muhammad is a light by Your Evident Light

٤. أنا ظلمة ظهرت بنور محمد
ومحمد نور بنورك مستبينْ

5. And light appears normally by darkness
And so is darkness made clear by light

٥. والنور بالظلمات يظهر عادة
وكذلك الظلمات من نور تَبينْ

6. We are the destinies which You have destined
In the light of Your Light O All Powerful O Helper

٦. نحن التقادير التي قدرتها
في نور نورك يا مهيمن يا معينْ

7. So be kind to us and grant us what
We hope from You and do not leave us confused

٧. فالطف بنا وامنن علينا بالذي
نرجوه منك ولا تدعْنا حائرينْ

8. And take care to protect our hearts and bodies
From that which blemishes and makes ugly

٨. وتولَّ حفظ قلوبنا وجسومنا
مما يعيب من الأمور وما يشينْ

9. And help and make us steadfast upon the ways of guidance
In this life and the next as You are pleased and as prescribed

٩. وأعن وثبتنا عن سنن الهدى
دنياً وآخرةً كما ترضى ودينْ

10. By Your Beloved Guide to You Muhammad
The best of creation, the most revered, the Trustworthy

١٠. بحبيبك الهادي إليك محمد
خير الورى وأجلهم طه الأمينْ

11. And by his family, companions and party
And by those who became his supporters and followers

١١. وبآله وبصحبه وبحزبه
وبمن غدوا أنصاره والتابعينْ

12. Forever upon him, and so upon them all
The most pure prayer and peace at all times

١٢. أبدا عليه كذا عليهم كلهم
أزكى الصلاة مع السلام بكل حينْ

13. When the face of dawn shone in the hair of night
And the sun combed out the blackness from the brow

١٣. ما لاح وجه الفجر في شعر الدجى
والشمس مشطت السواد عن الجبينْ