1. Say to yourself who was ignorant among people,
About the command of a Master who has always been capable,
١. قل لنفس جهلت بين الورى
أمرَ مولىً لم يزل مقتدرا
2. Struggle in it for Him and make an effort,
And leave illusions and even thoughts.
٢. جاهدي فيه به واجتهدي
واتركي الأوهام بل والفِكَرا
3. Do not think that with thought, even
If it lasts and grows and spreads in it,
٣. لا تظني أن بالفكر وإن
طال وازداد وفيه انتشرا
4. That you will attain anything but distance and hardship,
And possess from it except an effect.
٤. أن تنالي غير بعدٍ وعناً
وتحوزي منه إلا أثرا
5. Everyone who wanted to see his Creator,
So he prolonged thought about Him - blasphemed.
٥. كل من رام يرى خالقه
فأجال الفكر فيه كفرا
6. Submit the matter to Him and act with what
Came from Him, whether He forbids or commands.
٦. سلم الأمر له واعمل بما
جاء عنه إن نهى أو أمرا
7. And beware of innovation and worship Him according to
The Sunnah, and be patient and be waiting,
٧. واحذر البدعة واعبده على
سنة واصبر وكن منتظرا
8. Perhaps Allah will accept you even if
He refuses - what He has already mentioned will suffice you.
٨. ربما يقبلك الله وإن
صد يكفيك الذي قد ذكرا