1. You sent us well-composed verses
Until your famous name settled in them
١. لنا أتت منك أبيات محسنة
حتى كان اسمك العروف حل بها
2. Her moist tongue is busy with Tawheed
And her heart has never stopped being aware of God
٢. لسانها الرطب بالتوحيد مشتغل
وقلبها لم يزل في الله منتبها
3. And everything you have collected is elegance and description
And everything it contains is delight and splendor
٣. وكل ما جمعته رونقٌ وصفاً
وكل ما قد حوته بهجة وبها
4. Except your saying that all that is Him
For its meaning is difficult to understand, so be aware
٤. سوى مقالك أن الكل ذلك هوْ
فإن معناه صعب الفهم فانتبها
5. And elaborate your answer about its meaning openly
For it has always been ambiguous to people
٥. وابسط جوابك في معناه منبسطاً
فإنه لم يزل في الخلق مشتبها
6. Indeed, the words of God in pre-eternity
Are ancient, not brought into existence, come near to it
٦. وإنما كن كلام الله في أزل
قديمة ليس بالإيجاد قرّبها
7. And you spoke of the difference between the two ranks, so no
Servant is Lord, nor vice versa, ranked them
٧. وقلت بالفرق بين الرتبتين فلا
عبد كرب ولا بالعكس رتبها
8. So how can you say that all that is Him
Your words have contradicted and confused
٨. فكيف قولك أن الكل ذلك هو
فقد تناقض منك القول واشتبها
9. From me, greetings forever upon the people of guidance
Whose spirits have never tasted well-being in benevolence
٩. مني السلام على أهل الهدى أبداً
ما ذاقت الروح بالإحسان مشربها