
Love has conquered and taken complete control

غلب الهوى واستحوذ استحواذا

1. Love has conquered and taken complete control
To whom can we flee for protection?

١. غلب الهوى واستحوذ استحواذا
فمن الذي نلجا إليه عياذا

2. In a radiant, moonlit dawn
With her beauty, she enthralled everyone

٢. في طلعة شمسية قمرية
بجمالها صار الجميع جذاذا

3. O temple whose mysteries appeared
To us, becoming dear to us all

٣. يا هيكلاً ظهرت غيوب شؤونه
فينا فكان لكلنا أخّاذا

4. A face veiled in virtues and splendor
Outshining all other faces in allure

٤. وجه تبرقع بالمحاسن والبها
فعنت له كل الوجوه لذاذا

5. Our souls delighted in their demise
Seeking annihilation as their refuge

٥. وتمتعت أرواحنا بهلاكها
فيه ولاذت بالفناء لياذا

6. We see him closer than we see him
And see none but him, none but him as our refuge

٦. ونراه أقرب من نراه ولا نرى
شيئاً سواه ومن سواه أعاذا

7. He whose beauty's rising sun we behold
While our hearts and eyes vie in fervor

٧. فهو الذي لجمال طلعته يرى
وقلوبنا وعيوننا تتحاذى

8. Existence beholds existence through him
As nonexistence beholds nothingness in him, ever present

٨. إن الوجود يرى الوجود كما به
عدم يرى عدماً له جبّاذا

9. Our minds, made incomprehensible to him
By his might, cannot fathom him

٩. وممنَّعٍ بالعزِّ عنه عقولُنا
معقولةٌ لا تقتضيه نفاذا

10. Our hearts plunged into the sea of his love
Seeking to meet him, knowing no deliverance

١٠. وقلوبنا في بحر عشقته هوت
تبغي اللقا لا تعرف الإنقاذا

11. The beloved came down, so lovers of the beloved longed
Or after he came down, did they find any consolation?

١١. نزل النقا فاشتاقه أهل النقا
أوَ هل ترى بعد النزول لواذا

12. Yesterday, his dwelling was in Tawilah
Today, it became an encampment in Baghdad

١٢. بالأمس كان مناخه بطويلعٍ
واليوم صار مخيماً بغداذا

13. No shame if his lover sheds his mantle
And seeks refuge in his love alone

١٣. لا عار إن خلع العذار محبُّه
في حبه ولجا إليه ولاذا

14. His charms appeared to us in the silks of existence
Having donned subtlety as his raiment

١٤. ظهرت ملاحته بديباج الورى
فينا وقد لبس اللطافة لاذا

15. And I say I saw Zayd and Khalid
No - neither did I see that one nor find refuge

١٥. وأقول زيداً قد رأيت وخالداً
لا ذاك في بصري رأيت ولاذا

16. And Taha the Prophet saw him here
In Zayd ibn Harithah, and loved him dearly

١٦. ورآه في زيد بن حارثةٍ هنا
طه النبيُّ وحبَّ فيه معاذا

17. And with Joseph the Sincere, Jacob beheld his face
When his passion caused him harm

١٧. وبيوسف الصديق شاهد وجهَه
يعقوب حين له هواه آذى

18. Our attributes appeared to us through his attributes
And al-Junayd saw through him the discordance of existence

١٨. وصفاتنا ظهرت لنا بصفاته
ورأى الجنيد به الورى ممشاذا

19. Indeed, his passion alone is my creed
To which I pledged allegiance to my master

١٩. أما هواه فإنه هو ملّتي
وعليه كنت أعاهد الأستاذا

20. How strange that he who is so abundant confused us
While the One Guide could deliver us

٢٠. عجبي له وهو الكثير أضلنا
والواحد الهادي لنا استنقاذا

21. He makes miserable and makes happy with the same
You see him shine like lightning and drizzle

٢١. يُشقي ويسعد بالذي أشقى به
فتراه لاح صواعقا ورذاذا

22. By God, O glances of his, do not wound
My heart, for with your arrows lies perdition

٢٢. بالله يا لحظاته لا تجرحي
قلبي فإن بسهمك الفولاذا

23. You wine of communion, you have effaced us
Forever drunk, with a scattering wind

٢٣. ولأنت يا خمر الرضاب محوتنا
سكراً وريحك لم يزل نبّاذا

24. If only I had the witnessed beauty of the absent one
I would blame the separations of passion, alas

٢٤. من لي بمشهود المحاسن غائب
لام العذول على هواه وهاذا

25. He is present, though without any sign
So if you are ignorant, you will say “who is this?”

٢٥. هو حاضر لكن بغير إشارة
فإذا جهلت تقول عنه هذا

26. His lovers are infatuated with his eyes
And their hearts have been melted by him

٢٦. عشاقه بعيونه مفتونة
وقلوبهم صارت به أفلاذا

27. He continues to abandon them and frequent his aloofness
Yet no one asks “why?”

٢٧. ويظل يهجرهم ويكثر صده
عنهم وما أحد يقول لماذا

28. They see him as beautiful, his deeds as refined
And his torment as pleasurable

٢٨. ويرونه حسناً وفي أفعاله
لطفاً وفي تعذيبه استلذاذا

29. Through him the tribes were united in passion
And when far apart, they scattered, thighs broken

٢٩. وبهم تجمعت القبائل في الهوى
وعلى البعاد تفرقوا أفخاذا

30. The breeze brings them tidings of ardor
Musk exhaling in its passing, fragrant

٣٠. يأتي النسيم لهم بأخبار الحمى
للمسك فاوح في الهبوب وشاذى

31. It excites them, and leaves tremble above litter
Drawing near the distant, gathering the scattered

٣١. وتهيجهم ورقاء فوق أراكة
تدني البعيد وتجمع الأفذاذا