
Yesterday I was immersed in myself, dense,

كنت بالأمس عند نفسي كثيفا

1. Yesterday I was immersed in myself, dense,
And now I have become something delicate.

١. كنت بالأمس عند نفسي كثيفا
وأنا الآن صرت شيئاً لطيفا

2. My body lightened, and my soul in me lightened,
So I found the heavy rock to be light.

٢. خف جسمي وخفت الروح مني
فوجدت الصخر الثقيل خفيفا

3. And thus the worlds appeared to me,
All gentle, delicate and beautiful.

٣. وبدت هكذا العوالم عندي
كلها تالداً لها وطريفا

4. So wonder, O minds, at the state of my affair -
My knowledge has refined and softened me.

٤. فاعجبوا يا عقول من وصف أمري
لطَّفتي معارفي تلطيفا

5. And indeed I have become one and many,
And indeed I have brought all together, united.

٥. ولقد صرت واحداً وكثيراً
ولقد جئت بالجميع لفيفا

6. The dye of God - and it is creation and command -
Has harmonized the discord of existence.

٦. صبغة الله وهي خلق وأمر
ألفت فرقة الورى تأليفا

7. Like meanings flickering in words
For minds it has interpreted and explained.

٧. كالمعاني تلوح في كلمات
لعقول نوت لها تعريفا

8. And He who established all is distant,
Yet near - beyond categorization.

٨. والذي قام بالجميع بعيد
وقريب لا يقبل التكييفا

9. Glorious is His face - when I saw it,
His light erased me, as to Him I was joined.

٩. جل وجه رأيته فمحاني
نوره الحق إذ إليه أضيفا

10. In His existence He arranged us from Him -
We appeared through Him, by Him described.

١٠. رتب في وجوده نحن عنه
قد ظهرنا به له توصيفا

11. With Him we have no existence, for our selves
We find through Him, once ignorance is banished.

١١. معه ما لنا وجود لأنا
قد وجدنا به إذا الجهل عيفا

12. And this is my remembrance of the Imams of Truth -
Flowing strongly in their affair, weak or strong.

١٢. وهي ذكري أئمة الحق يجرو
ن قوياً في شأوها وضعيفا