1. He who mingles with people
Falls into pits of ignorance
١. كل من بالناس يختلطُ
في مهاوي الجهل يختبطُ
2. While his heart is heedless
Of the right path and wanders astray
٢. وهو لاهي القلب مشتغل
بسواه والسوى غلط
3. Excessive talk made him
Mix nonsense when his matter exceeded bounds
٣. أنتجت فرط الكلام له
خلطة إذ أمره فرط
4. And the one of abundant words increases
From the likes of him slips and lapses
٤. وكثير القول يكثر من
مثله الزلات والسقط
5. If he associates with others, his
Thoughts become preoccupied and constricted
٥. إن يخالط غيره اشتغلت
فكرة منه فتنضغط
6. And when others address him
He becomes busy with them, stipulating conditions
٦. وإذا ما الغير خاطبه
شغله بالغير يشترط
7. So when will he wake up to his state
And restrain himself, no longer being chaotic?
٧. فمتى يصحو لحالته
وحجاه ليس ينضبط
8. Perplexed, never realizing
While bound to strangers
٨. حار حتى لا يعي أبداً
وهو بالأغيار مرتبط
9. Wandering, never ceasing
In aspirations to gather people's talk
٩. دائر لا زال في هممٍ
لكلام الناس يلتقط
10. The markets were noisy because of him; he had
Filled the inns and halting places
١٠. ضجت الأسواق منه وقد
ملت الخانات والربط
11. A man's tenderness does not deceive
When the firm-handed stretches out to grasp him
١١. لا يغر المرء رقته
إذ به ذو القبض ينبسط
12. Indeed, malice lies hidden in him
While satisfaction is contained in his discontent
١٢. إن فيه الخبث مكتمن
والرضى في ضمنه السخط
13. He is elevated among people
While abased before God
١٣. وهو بين الناس مرتفع
وهو عند الله منهبط
14. He sees only his youth
Now overtaken by gray hair and wrinkles
١٤. لا يرى إلا ولمته
قد علاها الشيب والشمط
15. And his grave has drawn near to him
While God's reward is forfeited
١٥. وتدانت منه حفرته
وثواب الله منحبط
16. But he who in seclusion finds
A state of bliss - centered, balanced
١٦. والذي في الإنفراد له
حالة طوبى له وسط
17. Dwelling therein in a station
With deserts and wilds beneath him
١٧. ساكن منها بمنزلة
دونها الأصقاع والخطط
18. Awakened from the drunkenness of mixing
Knowing God, vivified
١٨. قد صحا من سكر خلطته
عارف بالله منتشط
19. None can compare with him - can
Any honey equal citron?
١٩. لا يدانيه سواه وهل
عسل يشبهه الأَقَط
20. They have presented simple words while
Putting off what bears diacritics
٢٠. قدموا الحرف البسيط وقد
أخروا ما معه النقط