
As though the antelopes were bound by what clings to their palms,

كأن الظبا مما لزمن أكفهم

1. As though the antelopes were bound by what clings to their palms,
Their claws, or they were disabled members.

١. كأَنَّ الظبا مِمّا لَزمنَ أَكفَّهم
مخالِبُهم أَو هنَّ منهم جَوارِحُ

2. And the spirits lean until it is as though they
Were pinions beyond what pinions can contain.

٢. وَتَعتَمِد الأَرواحَ حَتّى كأَنَّها
جَوانحُ عَمّا لا تضمُّ الجَوانِحُ