
Many a day my friend did spend

رب يوم قد ظل فيه نديمي

1. Many a day my friend did spend
Singing in a melodious garden

١. رُبَّ يَومٍ قَد ظَلَّ فيه نديمي
يَتَغَنّى بِرَوضَةٍ غَنّاءَ

2. As if the meadows were the beauty of a lover
Fragrant, exhaling the scent of love's meeting

٢. وَكأَنَّ الرياضَ حُسناً حَبيبٌ
عاطرٌ سامهُ المحبُّ لقاءَ

3. The clouds spread above us like a porch
And we were clothed in a gown of mist

٣. ضربت سُحبهُ رواقاً علينا
واِرتَدَينا مِن الغمام رداءَ

4. Adorned with its flowers, appearing
Amidst a verdant shade

٤. قَد تَحلّى بِزَهرِهِ وَتَبدىّ
ماثِلاً في غلالةٍ خَضراءَ

5. The meadows showed us stars
And showed the brilliance of the full moon

٥. فأَرتنا الرياضُ منها نُجوماً
وَأَرانا سنا العُقار ذَكاءَ

6. As if we drank its radiance there
And donned what adorns the sky

٦. فَكأَنَّا بِها شربنا سَناها
وَحللنا بِما حللنا السَماءَ