
Is the full moon aught save the veil that shrouds her face?

هل البدر إلا ما حواه لثامها

1. Is the full moon aught save the veil that shrouds her face?
Or dawn save what her smile reveals?

١. هل البدر إلا ما حواه لثامها
أو الصبح إلا ما جلاه ابتسامها

2. Or flame save what appears above the hearth?
Her whiteness and the heart of lovers is her brazier.

٢. أو النار إلا ما بدا فوق خدها
سناها وفي قلب المحب ضرامها

3. She took up residence in my heart when she took up love's abode,
So my heart revolved around her and my tent about her home.

٣. أقامت بقلبي إذ أقام بحبها
فدارتها قلبي وداري خيامها

4. A glance that would be snatched if it were possible to seize it,
A beauty that would be sought if it were possible to take hold of it.

٤. مهاة نقاً لو يستطاع اقتناصها
وكعبة حسن لو يطاق استلامها

5. When she removes the veil and daybreak arises,
The sun's morning clouds disperse.

٥. إذا ما نضت عنها اللثام وأسفرت
تقشع من شمس النهار غمامها

6. The end of my fortune is to kiss her dust,
The easiest fortune for the veil is to cling to her.

٦. نهاية حظي أن أقبل تربها
وأيسر حظ للثام التثامها

7. You see the sun's splendor in the night of her hair,
Under the sway of her face’s spear and her perfect stature.

٧. تريك محيا الشمس في ليل شعرها
على قيد رمح وجهها وقوامها

8. She outshines the shining full moon - truly,
For all time fearful of eclipse is its perfection.

٨. وتزهى على البدر المنير فإنها
مدى الدهر لا يخشى السرار تمامها

9. The leaves of her jewelry sing at her shoulders’ curves
When the doves coo in the waving branch.

٩. تغني على أعطافها ورق حليها
إذا ناح في هيف الغصون حمامها

10. Her glance wavers between wine and sorcery,
Containing them - and speech as well - the young pearl.

١٠. تردد بين الخمر والسحر لحظها
وحازها والدر أيضاً كلامها

11. We both vie, but her eyelids
Are always drunk with meaning and allusion ever drunk.

١١. كلانا نشاوي غير أن جفونها
مدام المعنى والدلال مدامها

12. And the night she visited, the Pleiades were as though
They were a necklace clasped round her neck and smile.

١٢. وليلة زارت والثريا كأنها
نظاماً وحسناً عقدها وابتسامها

13. She greeted, so she brought to life what her disdain had killed,
She turned her face, so she restored the soul to well-being.

١٣. وحيت فأحيت ما أمات صدودها
وردت فرد الروح في سلامها

14. And she said, with eyes that saw my sickness:
“What ails you?” I said: “Is it not lovesickness for you?”

١٤. وقالت بعيني ذا السقام الذي أرى
فقلت وهل بلواي إلا سقامها

15. So she revealed her mouth’s pearls in a dimple -
Light burst forth and her veil was lifted from it.

١٥. فأبدت ثناياها فقل في خميلة
بدا نورا وانشق عنها كمامها

16. She sent it far, no! - a young pearl she protects
With shells of ruby, sealing their water.

١٦. وأبعدت لا بل سمط در تصونه
بأصداف ياقوت لماها ختامها

17. And she said: “Never has the eye known her like,
Nor has sleep since she was veiled and her affair grew difficult.”

١٧. وقالت وما للعين عهد بطيفها
ولا النوم مذ صدت وعز مرامها

18. “You have wearied my eyes’ lids in the darkness!”
I said: “Ask my lids where is their sleep!”

١٨. لقد أتعبت عيني جفونك في الدجى
فقلت سلي جفنيك أين منامها

19. And I did not know that with my lids parched,
My life was like hers - she held its reins.

١٩. وما علمت أن الرقاد وقد جفت
كمثل حياتي في يديها زمامها

20. And how many nights did I gossip with her stars!
As though I was a shepherd who had lost his flock.

٢٠. وكم ليلة سامرت فيها نجومها
كأني راع ضل عنه سوامها

21. As though the Pleiades, the crescent moon, and Darat
Encompassed them - and the Pleiades brought them together.

٢١. كأن الثريا والهلال ودارة
حوته وقد زان الثريا التئامها

22. Bubbles floated around the fluttering silver
In the palm of a girl who passed the wine-jug around.

٢٢. حباب طفا من حول رفرف فضة
بكف فتاة طاف بالراح جامها

23. As though they were stars spilled in the Milky Way,
The rising flood swept them into its throng.

٢٣. كأن نجوماً في المجرة خرد
سواق رماها في غدير زحامها

24. As though they were gardens whose water flowed down in tiers
Where arum lilies split them and lotus stabbed through them.

٢٤. كأن رياضاً قد تسلسل ماؤها
فشقت أقاحيها وشاق خزامها

25. As though the constellation Corona Borealis was a gemstone bracelet
Which lit up the Alya when it parted from it.

٢٥. كأن سنا الجوزاء إكليل جوهر
أضاءت لآليه فراق انتظامها

26. As though Alnath and Alshira in the sky were unveiled slave-girls
Whose shooter shot his arrows, one below the other.

٢٦. كأن لدى النسرين في الجو غلمة
رماة رمى ذا دون هذا سهامها

27. As though Suhayl and the stars behind it
Were worshippers’ rows with Suhayl as their imam.

٢٧. كأن سهيلاً والنجوم وراءه
صفوف صلاة قام فيها إمامها

28. As though the night were disheveled tresses - the stars therein
Were tongues, and lightning flashes swords among them.

٢٨. كأن الدجى هيجاء جرت نجومه
أسنتها والبرق فيها حسامها

29. As though the falling stars were raining horsemen
Plummeting from between the tongues’ points.

٢٩. كأن الرجوم الهاديات فوارس
تساقط ما بين الأسنة هامها

30. As though Mars was a kindled spark
Appearing in the distance, its embers hidden.

٣٠. كأن سنا المريخ شعلة قابس
تلوح على بعدويخفى ضرامها

31. As though Sirius was Sirius being poured towards its meeting-place,
Its eye keeping vigil through the nights, not sleeping them.

٣١. كأن السها صب سها نحو إلفه
يراعي الليالي جفنه لا ينامها

32. As though the heartbeat was a longing heart
That saw the land of lovers - the strongest in might.

٣٢. كأن خفوق القلب قلب متيم
رأى بلدة الأحباب أقوى مقامها

33. As though the Pleiades in the breadth of their expanse
Were a generous right hand fearing no withdrawal.

٣٣. كأن ثريا أفقه في انبساطها
يمين كريم لا يخاف انضمامها

34. As though in her generosity she modeled herself
After the Nile, watering highland and lowland.

٣٤. كأن بفتح الدين في جوده اقتدت
فروى الروابي والأكام انركامها