
O guide of the caravan, do not hasten the camel,

حادي الركب لا تحث المطيا

1. O guide of the caravan, do not hasten the camel,
For longing itself drives the slow camel.

١. حادي الركب لا تحث المطيا
فكفاها شوق يسوق البطيا

2. Let it ride the saddened one, and tomorrow
After it, the sands will be a bed and a wrap.

٢. خلها تمتطي الحزون وغدها
بعدها بالحمي مهادا وطيا

3. Do not give it more than its ability, leave it be
Now it wanders between the valleys plummeting.

٣. لا تزدها على جوادها ودعها
الآن تهوي بين الوهاد هويا

4. For in its ribs to the land of ruin
Is an illness that rumbles like blue eyes.

٤. أن بين الضلوع منها إلى الردى
بعين الزرقاء داء دويا

5. It has malicious determination, throwing its dishevelled hair
Over it like arrows with intended targets.

٥. ضمر مكالفقسي ترمي بشعث
فوقها كالسهام مرمى قضيا

6. Their nightingales drank from the cup of the Pleiades, so they leaned
In ecstasy like none have made the Babylonians lean.

٦. بلبلتهم كأس السرى فتنثنوا
نشوة ما سقوا بها البابليا

7. They spread the name of their visitors and listened closely
So it brought back the robe of virtue folded up.

٧. نشروا ذكر من أتوه وأضغت
فأعادت ثوب الفلا مطويا

8. And they sang of it, so it made its secret wealth
Needless of any clear proof, releasing its tied reins.

٨. وتغنوا به فأغنى سراها
عن براها زمامها المرخيا

9. It is enough for it to endure poverty in verse
Tomorrow, seeing the dwellings will be a pasture.

٩. حسبها من ظما تكابد في الفقر
غدا رؤية المنازل ريا

10. And a vast meadow, shaded shade
And moist plants and plentiful water.

١٠. ومناخاً رحباً وظلاً ظليلاً
ونباتاً رطباً وماء رويا

11. Then when my caravan reaches
Its furthest destination, they softened.

١١. ثم رقتهم جسيماًإذا ما
بلغت ركبي مطاها النبيا

12. Then they softened to the brilliant sanctuary
That He made an exalted, towering place.

١٢. ثم رقتهم إلى الحرم الزاهي
من حله مكانا عليا

13. And they left it with dispraise, for it pleased the people
And they fulfilled it with the satisfactory place.

١٣. وخلاها ذم فقد أرضت القوم
وأوفوا بها المكان الرضيا

14. A sanctuary that enveloped that guiding Prophet
The bearer of good news, the cleanser, the Hashimite

١٤. حرم ضم ذلك المصطفى الهادي
البشير المطهر الهاشميا

15. Where the descents of revelation upon him were received
Openly, and the passage of his years, gone.

١٥. حيث تلقى مهابط الوحي فيه
بجتلى وفده سناها المضيا

16. A sanctuary where Gabriel brought him God's revelation
Morning and evening.

١٦. حرم كان جبرائيل بوحي الله
يأتيه بكرة وعشيا

17. A sanctuary where the highest of creations dwelled
With towering nobility and ancestry most pure.

١٧. حرم حل فيه أعلى البرايا
شرفاً شامخاً واصلاً زكيا

18. God's mercy upon people in existence
Guided them with it to the straight path.

١٨. رحمة الله في الوجود على الخلقق
هداهم بها الصراط السويا

19. So he who saw him as innocent responded
And turned to Him who judges.

١٩. فاستجاب الذي براه سعنيا
وتولي الذي قضاة

20. Thus tomorrow, he who obeyed and came to Him
Will be content with his Lord, pleasing.

٢٠. فغدا من أطاعه وأتاه
راضياً عند ربه مرضيا

21. And he who disobeyed Him plummets
Into the heat of Hell, and they were most deserving of it.

٢١. وهوي من عصاه في درك
النار وكانوا بها أحق بريا

22. No benefit did the devotion of Abee Lahab bring
Anything, and his hands perished, disobedient.

٢٢. ما أفادت قربة أبي لهب
شيئاً وتبت يداه عبداً عصيا

23. But the care of the Creator benefited
The Romans, the Persians and the Ethiopians.

٢٣. وأفادت عناية الخالق الرومي
والفارسي والحبشيا

24. The owner of miracles resembles his brother
To the beholder, like a brilliant star.

٢٤. صاحب المعجزات يشبه أخفا
خها لرائيه كوكباً دريا

25. The seal of the messengers was Adam, clay
In the beginning of his creation, and was a prophet.

٢٥. خاتم الرسل كان آدم طيناً
في ابتداء خلقه وكان نبيا

26. God endowed him with perfection, so humanity shone
Aloof, handed and most generous.

٢٦. خصه الله بالكمال فاندى الخلق
طراً يداً وأفضى نديا

27. And He chose him over all of creation and gave him
A book made pure, in Arabic.

٢٧. واصطفاه على البرايا وآتا
ه كتاباً مطهراً عربيا

28. It is enough for him, the loftiness of his ascent to the Farthest
And from it, the Sky's Mother climbed high.

٢٨. حسبه رفعة سراه إلى الأقصى
ومنه أم السماء رقيا

29. And enough for him, the comprehensiveness of his call to creation
Evident, distinguished in miracles.

٢٩. وكفاه عموم دعوته للخلق
فرقاً في المعجزات جليا

30. And gains were made legitimate for him, and God
Assumed for him in them an equal distribution.

٣٠. وأجلت له الغنائم والله
تولي فيهن قسماً سويا

31. And the earth and soil became a mosque for him
Purified, if resolved and loyal.

٣١. وغدت مسجد له الأرض والترب
طهوراً أن عزماء وفيا

32. And granted him, along with the banner, the station of the mosque
In his mission, and a pond from which to drink.

٣٢. وحباه مع اللواء مقام المسجد
في بعثه وحوضاً رويا

33. And comprehensive intercession for whom he did not make
Of the Muslims, a single wretched being.

٣٣. وعموماً من الشفاعة لم يبين
من المسلمين خلقاً شقيا

34. I wish I knew, is there for me a return to Him
So I meet Him, elating my longing heart?

٣٤. ليت شعري هل لي إليه معاد
فلعي أجلو الفؤاد العديا

35. And perhaps I shed the garb of the soul's passions
And meet my God stripped bare.

٣٥. ولعلي أنضو ثياب هوى النفس
وألقى الإله منها عربا

36. And that fate awakened him, the hand of accord
Had I not turned away from His sanctuary.

٣٦. وأن الحظ أيقظه يد التوفيق
لم أنو عن حماه مضيا

37. And I call my eyes, enjoy the nearness
Of a home from which I have been long absent.

٣٧. وأنادي طرفي تمتعلدي القرب
بدار قضيت عنها مليا

38. This is a blessing that came to you when
You were poor for it, and so you became rich.

٣٨. هذه نعمة أتتك وقد كنت
فقيرا لها فعدت غنيا

39. And it comforted the soul which the days
Made die at long last an easy death.

٣٩. وأهنى النفس التي أصبح الدهر
بها بعد طول حتف حفيا

40. This is my purpose - so if I die beforehand
Then how many ardently in love have met their fate.

٤٠. هذه بغيتي فإن مت من قبل
فكم مغرم قضي مقضيا

41. So upon him be peace for as long as the dawn
Stirs the wings of night with a burning wick.

٤١. فعليه السلام ما قدح الصبح
بجنح الدجا زناداً وريا

42. And may God's prayers flow upon him
As long as the pliant rod bends gently and willingly.

٤٢. وصلاة الإله تسرى عليه
ما تنثني القضيب ليناً وريا