
Is there anyone with knowledge, who knows my illness and sorrows,

هل عند من عندهم برئي وأسقامي

1. Is there anyone with knowledge, who knows my illness and sorrows,
Knows that their animosity is the origin of my pain,

١. هل عند من عندهم برئي وأسقامي
علم بأن نواهم أصل آلامي

2. And that after they left, my heart and eyelids
Remain ever sad for them, ever tearful.

٢. وأن قلبي وجفني بعد بعدهم
ذا دائم وجده فيهم وذا دامي

3. When they left, my sleeplessness on the night they departed was evident,
So I have no hope anymore for even an apparition in dreams.

٣. بانوا فبان رقادي يوم بينهم
فلست أطمع من طيف بإلمام

4. I concealed the matter of love the day I intended it, so it slept
With its secret in my eyelids – what slumber!

٤. كتمت شأن الهوى يوم النوى فنما
بسره من جفوني أي نمام

5. Nights used to be white in their company,
So do not ask, after them, about the state of my days.

٥. كانت ليالي بيضاً في دنوهم
فلا تسل بعدهم عن حال أيامي

6. I feigned passion for them while people thought
Illness had made me lean and reproached me.

٦. ضنيت وجداً بهم والناس تحسب بي
سقماً فأبهم حالي عند لوامي

7. But the real cause of my emaciated body
Is nothing but my intense yearning to meet Ibn Tammaam.

٧. وليس أصل ضنى جسمي النحيل سوى
فرط اشتياقي إلى لقيا ابن تمام

8. O my master, whenever I am deprived of seeing him,
I become distraught and sick without him.

٨. مولىً متى أخل من برؤ برؤيته
خلوت منه بأشجان وأسقام

9. Being deprived of seeing him is more painful to my heart
Than water to the thirsty lost in the dark.

٩. نأى ورؤيته عندي أحب إلي
قلبي من الماء عند الحائم الظامي

10. He avoided me and did not bother to ask, in his aloofness,
About this yearning soul weeping for him since he left.

١٠. وصد عني ولم يسأل بجفوته
عن هائم دمعه من بعده هامي

11. I wish he knew that he has a brother in Egypt,
Weak in body since last year.

١١. يا ليت شعري ألم يبلغه أن له
أخاً بمصر ضعيف الجسم مذ عام

12. I did not expect this from his affection,
Nor are accounts from Syria thus.

١٢. ما كان ظني هذا في مودته
ولا الحديث كذا عن ساكن الشام

13. O you who are absent yet reside in my heart, even if
My eyes fall asleep, dreams would bring you close to me.

١٣. يا غائباً داره قلبي ولو هجعت
عيني لأدنته مني رسل أحلامي

Having lost control in passion for meeting you,

١٤. أصبحت بعد اشتطاطي في الحقيقة من
لقياك أخدع آمالي بأوهام

15. I now deceive my hopes with wishful thinking.
I have no joy left except in gathering with friends

١٥. هذا ولم يبق لي في لذة أرب
إلا اجتماعي بأصحابي وألزامي

16. And amusing myself with them.
If they have left me alone and avoided me,

١٦. وإن هم خلفوني مفرداً ونأوا
وافيت أسهر أجفاني لنوام

17. I stay up late while my eyelids crave sleep.
But how can I attain my hopes of meeting them

١٧. وأين نيل مرامي من لقائهم
ضاق الزمان وهياً سهمه الرامي

18. When time is straitened and its arrow kept from striking.
The cheer of my days has withered, so if days

١٨. ولت بشاشة أيامي فلو عرضت
علي أعرضت عنها غير مستام

19. Were to be offered to me, I would spurn them in disinterest.
After seventy years, what is left for me

١٩. هل بعد سبعين لي إلا التأهب من
أجل الرحيل بإسراج وإلجام

20. Except preparing to depart with supplies and resolve?
People hope for what they sent ahead tomorrow,

٢٠. الناس يرجون ما قد قدموا لغدٍ
والخوف من سوء ما قدمت قدامي

21. While I fear the evil I have committed before me.
I hope for nothing but God's pardon and to find

٢١. ولست أرجو سوى عفو الإله وأن
ألقى السلامة في الأخرى بإسلامي

22. Salvation in the hereafter through my Islam.
Yes, and the love I hope for will intercede for me

٢٢. بلى وحب الذي أرجوه يشفع لي
غداً إذا جئته أسعى بآثامي

23. Tomorrow when I come to Him with my sins.
So remember your brother in absentia and pray for him

٢٣. فاذكر أخاك بظهر الغيب وادعوا له
فأنت في نفسه من خير أقوام

24. For you are, among all people, the best of kin to him.
Perhaps His mercy will gather us in the Abode

٢٤. لعل يجمعنا في دار رحمته
من عفوه فوق إسرافي وإجرامي

25. Of forgiveness, despite my sins and crimes.
My greetings of God's peace to you, for as long

٢٥. عليك مني سلام الله ما ابتسمت
أزاهر الروض من دمع الحيا الهامي